THE STRONGEST LEGENDS FOR SEASON 10 SPLIT 2! (Apex Legends Tier List) [King's Canyon]

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0:00 – Intro
0:30 – List Explanation
1:02 – S Tier – Gibraltar
1:30 – S Tier – Bloodhound
2:22 – S Tier – Wraith
3:12 – S Tier – Octane
4:47 – A Tier – Valkyrie
5:50 – A Tier – Seer
6:54 – A Tier – Horizon
7:48 – A Tier – Caustic
8:50 – A Tier – Bangalore
9:33 – B Tier – Fuse
10:27 – B Tier – Pathfinder
11:10 – B Tier – Revenant
12:07 – B Tier – Rampart
13:06 – B Tier – Crypto
13:50 – C Tier – Loba
14:40 – C Tier – Wattson
15:15 – C Tier – Lifeline & Mirage
16:18 – Which Legend Do You Think is The Best?

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46 thoughts on “THE STRONGEST LEGENDS FOR SEASON 10 SPLIT 2! (Apex Legends Tier List) [King's Canyon]”

  1. Just so everyone has some context:

    Revenant + Octane is going to be VERY strong this season.

    We didn't want to put them together in the video, because we dont want to promote Revtane play.

    Additionally, we removed the D-Tier, and it was very hard to place legends in the B and C tier because every legend is very strong.

    With that being said, ENJOY! This is YOUR season!

  2. Disagree about Revenant being B tier especially in kc. Revenant he needs a rework after the last few nerf, that basically exposed all his flaws of his tool kit. While he was barely cutting it as a B tier legend pre nerf (not talking about revtain but revenant him self) and now enabling visual and audio effects for his abilities there is no way to be a assassin or to use him in tactical play with out everyone hiding for the next 20-30 seconds or the teams you were 3rd partying to stop fighting among themself to quick shut down the rev push I feel there is more risk poping totem now. Like I wish Revenant Could be Meta on his own toolkit like gibby or wraith. Something I noticed in his launch trailer when he was attacking the guard he took control of one of them after his death protection was over and used the guards body to eliminate the other targets something like that might be just what he is missing to be a real badass

  3. I'm a Wraith main but I've been trying to learn Gibby as well. I play on KBM and switching to Gibby literally messes up my aim for the first few games because he's so much taller than Wraith, I keep shooting over people especially at close range 😂

  4. Sorry if I'm wrong but in a lot of games there's a Japanese character like Crypto or Yoru in Valorant
    and they both need like BIG BUFFS to help them out or like mirage who is just like Yoru who needs help bruh

  5. I main bloodhound, crypto, and now fuse, with a little valk thrown in. I like to use the characters that don't get a lot of love, like crypto, bc it's satisfying to do well with those types of characters

  6. Im A Crypto main and i do agree with the tierlist here due to the fact that he is a diffucult legend to use when u play solo becuase u have to basically adapt to every random playstyle but if u have a team he is basically A Tier In My Opinoin atleast

  7. I don't see why my boy path still hasnt gotten a buff or change to give him a real passive. At this stage of the game if you take a zip you will get beamed if people see you. Why not add a passive like, Pathfinder and his teammates traverse the initial Zipline from his ult 45% faster, all subsequent uses or uses from other teams will be at normal speed. Also give the ability for path to cut player created ziplines

  8. i really appreciate how he reassures people who like a legend lower in tiers to keep playing them. if you enjoy and utilize someone who isnt quite meta, that’s ok!! no one in the game is absolutely terrible and useless so keep playing them if you use them well!!

  9. I have pretty much co main Pathfinder and Caustic since I unlocked him a few weeks after Apex came out. I love both their playstyles but I'm trying to learn Gibby now. Idk what it is but I just feel off playing Gibby for some reason.


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