The Thing About Ganyu Xiao & Hu Tao… Genshin Impact

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47 thoughts on “The Thing About Ganyu Xiao & Hu Tao… Genshin Impact”

  1. my team right now is zhongli, diluc, ganyu, jean not much damage is gonna be seen in this team but i like these characters except diluc if i get keqing diluc is gonna go to the second team. i like my team right now only because jean and ganyu is waifus i dont care about damage i just care about looks. guys play the characters you like not how much damages they do

  2. all I need is the spear got all the characters I need (until dendro is out) I think having 12 characters fully built is more then enough it’ll just take time because I only spend 20-50$ every now and then

  3. im f2p and got ganyu in asia server because i shes the first 5* waifu and going to get xiao in europe server because i wanna ground slam mobs. Btw i saved my pity for the characters i wanted i didnt get lucky at all.

  4. personality is one of thing that i go for pulling a characters, and i gotta say, xiao is the most basic edgelord character that i ever see, and it's enough for me to dislike him to the core, the only thing i hate in video game, anime, manga and novel is a edgelord characters, and xiao is one of most basic edgelord character that makes me cringe really hard because of his edgy attitude

  5. Xiao's cons are :
    C1 give him an extra dash
    C2 give him 25% energy recharge when he's not on the field
    C4 give him 100% Def bonus when hp falls below 50%
    C6 give unlimited dash for 1 second

    And they think he's unusable at C0? Smh

  6. I'm conflicted about using my gems to go for Amos or Skyward Pride, both would be great for me cuz my main is diluc & I just got ganyu off the 50/50 chance. I got a low chance to pull Xiao next banner & both of these weapons look exceptionally nice to me, I don't wanna miss out on a great weapon for one of my main characters, pull for xiao, and get an off banner 5* unit. Opinions & thoughts pls ;-; I have welkin & like 7k gems atm

  7. Me who's a chongyun main,seeing video about enjoyment and charecters doesn't matter

    I am going all out for xiao I already have jade spear 😏😏😏😏😏 and I am a F2p I can't ask for more than this

    Except please I am really confused about xiao build should I go physical or anemo because I have to farming now so can get him to brrrrrrrrr mode as soon as possible I have a really good physical set for now

  8. The issue is, Ganyu is so overtuned that no one is going to compare to her; unless Xiao and Hu Tao can match her… then they are objectively worse options. Not BAD options, but worse than her. THIS is my problem. Ganyu is WAY too powerful and Mihoyo can't nerf her because of Zhongli Backlash 2.0; but they can nerf Xiao and Hu Tao before launch.
    I didn't get Ganyu because of failing the 50/50 for the third time in a row, so now I'll be saving for Hu Tao, but I know full well she's not going to be as broken as Ganyu.
    Mihoyo have backed themselves into a corner with how busted C0 Ganyu is since C0 Xiao and Hu Tao just won't seem as viable in comparison.

  9. So many people say, "Oh, Ganyu does so much damage, you should DEFINITELY GET HER!" To me, the thing is, yes, I know Ganyu does a lot of damage. But as a character, I don't really care about her. I want the characters I love, like Xiao, Zhongli, Venti and Razor. If I get Ganyu, I'm not gonna have fun, because I don't like her. Get who you love. If you love Ganyu, go for it, she's super powerful. If you love Xiao, get Xiao, because he is husbando.

    Also, is his jade spear worth it? Because I only want to get him at c0.

  10. thing is, i got diluc from the beginners banner so i’ve never really needed a dps character but ganyu on the other hand can easily replace my support chongyun and it’ll be a god tier team with my bennett and sucrose. that’s why i’m super hyped for ganyu and not super hyped for xiao

  11. It's just other people's way of playing bro, you can't force other people to like characters they don't. If they want big numbers who are we to say otherwise? Play what you like and don't f*ck with other people end of story.

  12. I love Keqing and Jean the most and it makes me happy to use them and to invest resources on them. Doesn't matter if most players call them trash or low tier.

  13. Someone probably said so already but just wanted to let you know that lvl 10 is max for skills. with constellation you can get 13 but thats it, might come a buff in the future to bring it higher upp and thats why text says 15.

  14. The complain boils down to C6 doing more damage than C0 which is obvious but i dont understand why people are so hellbent on C6 because this game is TOO EASY. Just play any character you want

    Aside from spyral abyss, meta is useless which now gets even easier than previous floor 12

  15. True story! I'm just sick of sorting characters to the nonsence S to C tiers. That's bullshit. Play what you like and get the correct gear. You will get good results anyway.

  16. Either We never see a char like ganyu again or mihoyo make the new content so strong that we need stronger teams or weapons. Whales stopping at c0 cause a char so strong is not what mihoyo wants.

  17. Yes, and now we need all characters to have the close to the same dmg resources, without 3 supporters.
    Ofcause we need a slow powercreep, buuuuut we don't need characters that can out do others with 50/60%.
    Small edit: we need a baseline, you can't just say constellation c/xx weapon r/xx and insane artifacts, we need a baseline where all heroes can compete with.
    Also we need a new way to raise characters stats, this is very noticeable at wl8, even with 90s characters.
    Also ds i can't wait for the next area to be released, I need more story.

  18. I just want an event character I like :') not really feeling ganyu or xiao or hu tao (hu tao just cuz I have too much pyro already nooo) and I finally hit my first pity so it will be my first 5 star :') dont wanna waste it on something I dont like


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