The Things Among Us Part 5

A new ship, a new crew, new imposters. Can they escape the cycle, or will the creatures consume them all? #Shorts

This channel is a collection of my animated shorts and creations all made by me, mostly horror-based. Everything on the channel is created and animated by me in primarily Adobe Animate. I also have a TikTok account with the same name that I started before this account. I noticed people were taking my animations and putting them on here, so I decided to create an account of my own.

If you enjoy animated shorts of a sinister (and sometimes not so sinister) variety, then stick around and give my videos a watch. Thanks for visiting my channel!



48 thoughts on “The Things Among Us Part 5”

  1. I love when you and other YouTubers reply to my comments, it makes me happy my opinions/ideas are being noticed and that I actually matter to the rest of humanity! Thanks for the content, the creeps, cringe, and laughs, never change and have a good life!


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