The Top 3 HOTTEST TAKES about League of Legends

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19 thoughts on “The Top 3 HOTTEST TAKES about League of Legends”

  1. Hot Take: The vast majority of abilities that move through walls should have that function removed.

    Hot Take: Turrets should deal consistent hybrid damage in a beam that prioritizes champions. If a champion is in range, it never touches a minion, it swaps to a champion mid-minion zapping, always hitting the champion.

  2. Hot take: This community is so toxic, that after playing a game, for only half a year, even my friends are not recognizable anymore, I can't seem to play whit them for an hour, so I play solo whit music and all chats turned off.

  3. Lol ranked nowadays
    Flip a coin:
    Head? Easy win over afk, trolls and toddlers.
    Tails? Ur team is filled with afk, trolls and toddlers.
    1 game every 10 games feel balanced and you actually play 5 games in row looking for that balanced game. U just gifted 4 games to the riot algorithm.

    Because rito knows something.
    What would be our interest into play something boring, u dont want easy kill, u dont want to play against todlers bots afks and trolls, u play to find a challenge between a close matchup. Nobody goes to the cinema to watch superman obliterating ants. Nobody goes to a stadium to watch Barcelona vs some schoolar newbies from california playing futball for the first time.
    Nobody enjoy a fight between the rock and me, it would be no fight at all.
    Competition mean everyone had their chance to overcome and win.
    Rito doesnt want you to improve or win, they just want u pressing buttons inside their game.

  4. Hot Take: League of Legends doesn't just need to remake the entire tutorial, but should also provide guides, exercises, and overall be more beginner-friendly.

  5. OK so I played normal games for 2k hours and since my server ranked populations is too small, I decided to create a tryhard account on eune, and I am not even 30 lvl yet, but those 22 levels are the least fucking fun experience I have ever had in league, every game there is either a ff 15 person, griefer, troll or a toxic piece of shit, I thought that I could relax in these 30 lvl before ranked, this shit is just so strange

  6. Hot take: URF takes everything that makes the game interesting and tosses it into the void, making the mode not worth playing.

    Also I disagree with the second point just because the best LoL music parodies ever created are from many years ago.

  7. Hot Take: Metas are player made but aren't always the right choice. Mages > Marksmen, in a 2v2 lane you can bully Marksmen all day long as a mid or long range mage champion, you scale faster. Send the ranged ad player top or mid (Lucian, Vayne, Caitlyn, Tristana to name a few.) Get someone like Leona, Morgana, pretty much any engage or poke champions and just force trades at lv2 and 4. c:

  8. Riot is actually going in a good direction for weird builds by adding weird ratios in peoples kits occasionally again, which is something they stopped doing a few years back. Recently I've noticed off meta dumb shit working a lot more than it used to a few season ago.


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