The Top 5 WORST Abilities in League of Legends

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43 thoughts on “The Top 5 WORST Abilities in League of Legends”

  1. make a video about Aurelion sol, as a aurelion player I feel its just unfair what riot does to him, seriously, zoe throw a single star (that look too much like aurelions passive) and it can instakill you, meanwhile , aurelion throw a fricking GALAXY at you and you get a little scratch '-'
    and the poor guy cant even hide in bushes !!!!!

  2. Now, that is a nice list, but i feel like there are abilities that are actually far worse in the game.

    – Kindred‘s Passive: the sole reason i put it here is because the Enemy can see the marks too of the Jungle Monsters Kindred needs to kill to gain stacks, meaning it‘s extremely easy to where to look and pinpoint a surprise attack against her. It’s even worse when you consider Kindred needs 4 stacks to get some power up. And Kindred absolutely needs those Stacks and Power ups because she just sucks.

    – Kindred‘s Ult: it‘s a bootleg version of Taric‘s ult and it‘s so much worse. Sure, it’s a circle where you and your teammates can get saved, but also the enemy Champions who can take advantage of your own ult. And 9/10 times when it’s a duel situation, the enemy will always come out on top because, yet again, she sucks.

    – Ivern‘s W, summoning Bushes: it‘s a complete Gimmick Ability who can as much help your team, as much as it can help your Enemy. It’s so situational that most of the time, you use it for s*its and giggles because sure, if you place 1 Bush on a lane, the enemy will of course first skillshoot there where also your ally is hiding you tried to help. And god forbid someone picks Rengar counter Jungle

    – Ryze‘s Ult: it takes so long until it finally does it‘s job, EVERYONE can see where you‘re teleporting and the reach is a literal joke. Only works as an escape option in an ambush situation, but since it takes ages to cast, everyone will die first.

    – Zoe‘s Ult: even thou Zoe can hit you like a truck, her mobility is a joke and having an ult who‘s only purpose is to make your 1 trick stronger, then it’s barely worth being an Ult. Would be wort an ult spot if she could just Teleport like Kassadin.

    – Kayle‘s E: it’s literally an „excuse“ ability from Riot until you reach Lvl 6 because she already has a long rage Ability with her Q who also slows and applies status on the enemy and her E is just a weak point and clock projectile that has a cooldown of over 10 seconds.

    – TF‘s Passive: it literally gives you extra gold between 1 – 6 Gold extra if you kill a Minion. Which is laughable compared to other Money abilities like Akshan and Pyke. Meaning you could buy a Cull with any Champion and you get TF‘s passive.

  3. Carefull what you say here Skooch… Someone at Riot will see this and turn Teemo's "Move fast" into:

    Passive: Increases movement speed and attack speed by 20%.

    Active: Grants gradually increasing movement speed over 10 seconds. Every second granting a stack of SPEED. Each stack of SPEED increases Teemo's ability power by 10. Upon reaching 500 movement speed, Teemo will be able to jump over terrain. The first auto or shroom that hits a champion deals an increased damage based on the targets missing health while granting Teemo a shield that lasts for 5 seconds scaling off attack speed, crit chance, attack damage, bonus health, life steal and magic penetration.

  4. I have some idea,
    Skarner need a buff to his passive like a second part, I will call it Dominion, if he have 3 active Crystal he gain half the stat of his passive anywhere on the map, and more he have active passive the more he had stat, if the six crystal are up that make basically the whole map like he was in the jungle.

    That the basic update, but let's think of an overpowered version, Crystal shard, every Champion kill and objectives (drake's, tower, ect…) give him 15 shard, every kill of farm give 1, in the shop he can buy 3 upgrade for his passive with Crystal shard,
    1 cristallisation cost 500 shard, after taking a crystal, the Crystal is locked for 30 sec or( 60) sec that means impossible to capture back for the ennemis.
    2 500grant bonus speed for teammate and you when you passe on a Crystal.
    3 500 lower the capture time.

    For Teemo I don't knows, maybe give him more speed increases, I mean basic movement speed is caped on lol so it's not really a too big problem except it's one of the best stat but anyway,

    For kalista well I think she need a big slap rework, maybe just give up all the aspect of mate dependent of her kit, or make it more efficient, and for her ghost, I mean common "ghost" just make it faster or give it the ability to press the button again to make it intangible with bonus speed so this way you can play with the map and swap to intangible speed to the actual one to cover a precise Area, or make it a way it's stay on the map for 120 min and scout around the chosen Area

    Illaoi well she is badly designed, good idea but with a bad execution, and her E erk one the worst designed ability of video games I ever see it's unearthly and besides this part easy to dodge

    For kogmaw passive change it is probably the best choice Most of the marksmen have a passive who is around auto attacks, so maybe on hit passive upgrade
    Kog deals 1 to 50% based on levels percent on hit effect bonus, that means he deals more damage like imagine having blade of the ruined king, the on it effect instead of been 6 % total enemy health physic damage in late game kog have 9 %, for 10 lifestyle he have 15 ect… But it's doesn't apply on is w don't dream too much

  5. A really bad one would be the new mundo W
    – It deals no dmg
    – If you use it wrong u lose health and if you use it correctly ur health remains the same
    – It has a super long cooldown
    – You level it up last so all these factors remain for most if not all the game

    PS: you could argue that it helps with jg clear but with his new E you can do better AOE dmg at a lower cooldown

  6. Honestly a good kogmaw passive idea Icathian Hunger: kogmaw gains ramping increased attackspeed for each low hp enemy nearby scaling with lv and depending on how low each enemy is. With a very large AOE to detect low hp enemies

  7. "Alright, we made an adc who's whole kit kinda focuses on them being far away from people, not to mention, they are also an adc, so by design they're not gonna be close to people all that much anyway, what should his pas-"
    "Dead man's hand"
    "Did I stutter?"

  8. League of Legends is fairly balanced, don't be ridiculous. Character rarely achieve a winrate difference of 10%.
    Play warhammer competetively through any edition and know that no matter how you built T'au, there is no way to win against Cult Mechanicus or Drukhari, while they have a codex.
    That's an average winrate of 61% to 35%, and that's not talking matchup, which would be closer to 100% to 0%.
    And this in a game where a new army costs hundreds of dollars.
    Besides this there's shit like Hearthstone, MTG, Pokemon Red, Planetside 2
    Compared to these League is plenty balanced

  9. -Aatrox w literally depends on the enemy movespeed.
    -Zacs passive locks him in place as an engage tank. You have to ignore the blobs and not deal any splash dmg so he can revive. He jumps into the enemy team. Thats his purpose. GA works 1000 times better. You cannot tp on blobs anymore in the early game.
    -malphites bonus armor scaling only applies on one ability, hence why ap malphite is more popular and better performing than tank malphite, which he was supposed to be.
    -ezreal has a free flash. On a 30 sec cooldown. Thats not a bad ability, but its still a boatload full of bullshit especially with his dmg now.
    -shyvanas passive stats only works when shes ahead and can get drakes.
    -illaoi cannot willingly place her tentacles. In pre-chosen spots.
    -kaisas ult is a finisher move at best. The shield disappears way too fast and is too small to reliably ult into the enemy team. If anyone on the opposing team has a shieldbreaker or serpents fang, its essentially just a dash.
    -blitzcranks w slows himself. Its the only form of self cc in the entire game (if we dont look at casting animations). It also gives blitzcrank attack speed, a completely useless stat for him.
    -morganas blackshield can block cc from physical dmg abilities.
    -ziggs ult is super easy to survive if you dont get hit by the center. It also flies for about 200 years.
    The list goes on.

  10. what about how redundant blitzcrank w is?
    a movespeed buff and an attack speed buff for 2.5 seconds
    only to be slowed for 30% for 1.5 seconds after that…
    it's just an ability designed so long ago, a movement ability that has a downside? what? wtf are you doin blitzcrank? lmao

  11. Kog'maws passive absolutely sucks.. A nice little buff they could do would be to give him increased movement speed, allow him to detonate it when he wants to and give it some kind of scaling.. AP perhaps? It'd still be pretty shit, but atleast it'd be a bit better xD

  12. Qiyana's e kinda sucks, its a targeted dash, not free target, and it does almost 0 damage. Its far from the worse ability in the game but a lot of people forget that her e does less damage than a basic attack from her.

  13. Missed Blitz W, yeah people are gonna go well you get some move speed and attack speed but you slow yourself down for that amount as well after a few seconds and in a time where everyone has 20 dashes or super high movement speed this just seems so stupid.


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