THE TRIPLE CROWN AMBER | Stream Highlights #26 | Genshin Impact Highlights

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22 thoughts on “THE TRIPLE CROWN AMBER | Stream Highlights #26 | Genshin Impact Highlights”

  1. I don't get it. I thought everyone gets 2 prototypes for each weapon essentially? You get a rancor for free and then you buy a 2nd from liyue shop, a spear from spiral abyss and another from liyue shop. A claymore from that one quest in dadawhatever and another from liyue shop. I forget about bow and catalyst but there's one of each again in the liyue shop right and i think a catalyst from the adventurer's handbook. So is there not actually a 2nd prototype for bows that you get? Is it just the fav bow + a single bow prototype from liyue shop? Also isn't Amber's BIS besides amos bow supposed to be sharpshooter's oath because of her shitty base attack means the crit dmg + bonus weakspot dmg scales a lot more on amber than the atk you get from the crescent secondary + weakspot buff?


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