The TRUTH About the #1 Loba In Apex Legends!

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27 thoughts on “The TRUTH About the #1 Loba In Apex Legends!”

  1. 107k is all she has? I've fought Gibbies, Wraiths, LLs, Paths and Horizons with more, many many times. Most kills I ever saw on 1 guy was a Pathy with 180,000. I made a new account and after 12 games I ran into a Wraith with 114,000.
    In pubs.
    On console.
    I swear, if you have 20,000+ on a character you should only get into pubs matches with high rank players. Been playing since S1 and I barely have 10k across all my mains. Fuk off.

  2. Keep your head up bro. We all go through it at some point… gotta push through the weeds.

    Also, my mans still on console lol dude needs to make the switch to PC. Make him see the light Rachet!

  3. Have a friend I duo with and we will make comments when someone "steals" the kill but often times we will just compliment each other especially when there is a nice clutch or we die with a few kills under the belt.

  4. With the kill stealing I think it depends on the situation.

    For example if you're looting with your teammate and someone comes up and both start shooting at him than it's no problem. BUT if you have a teammate that does NOTHING during the fight until you get knocked and you say he's 1 tap and then he kills them its another story. I legit had a teammate that had 10 kills with a little over 300 damage and I had 1 kills with a little over 2k damage

  5. I'm pretty sure but I might be wrong but I think I killed scrappy yesterday we were in fragment in trios and I killed him on a building while he was using his ult the person had the same skin and banner frame and had over 10,000 or 100,000 kills with loba

  6. Also to respond to your kill stealing situation. The only time I get frustrated and complain about it is when I'm with my homies and I'm just having a shit day on apex and just want 1 kill and can't even get one 😂 I'll get pissy but then just get over it. We all know the more you're mad the worst you'll play.


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