The Worst (And Not-So-Bad) Video Game Movies

More often than not, video game movies take something we know, love, and obsess over and transform it into an unrecognizable monster at worst—or a forgettable, underwhelming experience at best. In this video, we take you through our top not-so-bad and worst video game movies of all time.

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20 thoughts on “The Worst (And Not-So-Bad) Video Game Movies”

  1. Super Mario Bros. is in the same category as Street Fighter.
    Sonic the Hedgehog was good enough.
    Mortal Kombat Annihilation and all the Resident Evil films (except MAYBE the first one) should burn in a dumpster fire.

  2. Silent Hill is pretty damn good for a video game movie adaptation. The sequel though is one of the worst movies I've ever watched by far.

    Detective Pikachu is cool, but I don't like the visuals at all.

  3. To this day Silent Hill (the first one, the second was crap) remain the best video game movie adaptation I have seen, unfortunately 15 years later I can't say that many good video game adaptations released since then.

  4. Sonic is the best but i will always love Mortal Kombat & Street Fighter too. A Street Fighter film shouldn't be serious so i never had a problem with it being cheesy and it's very enjoyable.


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