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After playing Clash in League of Legends, I took the time to compare my experience in the team with my experience playing Valorant, and it made me realize the different parts of each game that really go unnoticed. I think the biggest issue for lower rank players, is their inability to play as a team, and trade off of their homies. Here’s a little chat.

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  1. what about when you know your neither the catalyst nor the worst player on the team but you feel others blaming you for the bad things and almost never saying when you do something really good? like…
    i really dont know how to talk to them about their mistakes when theres so much being left on my shoulders

  2. i remeber i got a game in bronze where everyone was using a mike witch is rare and we just preety much instant won because everyone was making callouts and they couldn't play around our synergy prob one of my best solo que games ever

  3. good talk

    i feel like that too even when i'm stacking or playing with some friends, we just don't know how to play as a team, and i'm saying this as basically the worst of the players that i play with aimwise, but when we 3-stack and we lose it's very clear at least to me that the other team is trading, doing executes, playing with each other, and we're at most comming where people are (if we do that, doesn't happen that often) but not really doing anything with the info, a lot of times if we get picks we don't rotate to where the site's been cleared, and the spike gets dropped in the dumbest way, annoying stuff like that

  4. People are talking about why they hate solo q but tbh I play better with solo q. If I que with my friends then we just lose 60-70%.

    I give all sorts of fallouts my but friend is a different breed and plays valorant with a controller… which is dumb except he’s also higher rank than me even tho I’m always a team mvp/ match mvp.

    Games fkn broken all I’m saying.

  5. Coordination is a modern problem, but back in the day before people posted their Discord links we just had Curse Voice and everyone would connect and we'd clap the enemy team I miss those times.

  6. Iron teamwork is usually nonexistent especially when there's three Smurfs steamrolling and you have two AFks on your team And then you get de ranked more or less based off randomness of rank… Sometimes you have a teammate the first time you hear them on the mic is in the 10th round and it's them complaining at somebody it almost makes me not want to play I play aim labs every day (new to pc trying to improve) and I can only play a couple games of valorant And depending on the team experience after solo queuing sometimes one game is enough for me, The range of skill in the lowest rank because of how many people are constantly making new accounts it feels like it's 50-50 whether you were going to win or lose solo queuing I've had people tell me that people are more talkative/less toxic/more coordinated as you go up in rank and that's what's keeping me coming back … I think I just need to continue to add more people when I'm online unfortunately half of the people that I add wind up being kids who only want to play custom games with infinite respawns on when I join them And I'm only really interested in playing ranked lol..

    tldr ur right u have to walk with ur teammates on lower rank u cant try to 1v5 u have to take 2v1s together as much as u can

  7. heyy…what is the title for? please king, no click baits…I love the talks that you give but when it has no connection with the title I get driven away…and that is not what a viewer expects from the vid. title drives the viewer clicking the vid but then we see there is no relation, it is kind of a bummer… please dont do that… feels weird

  8. 2:55 Me always, opening a path. Getting some valuable seconds. Dying and watching fellows just chilling at a corner in the minimap to walk out really late and dying. I always ask myself if it's lack of trust, communication or me making a bad entrance to clear and take site.

  9. Honestly, I've solo queued my entire way to diamond 1 & 2 and I started from gold 3 it is hard but it's not impossible whenever I soloqd in lower ranks I just felt like I was honestly better than everyone else and I'm not saying I would be top every time but now in diamond, I think it's just where I belong right now as of just skill and a player since I'm not able to get higher alone so at this point, I feel like I'd need to duo and trio for a better chance to work with a team more coordinated wise.

  10. I am a higher rank than most my friends, so I tell em. “You guys are great iron players, you shouldn’t have to play with higher ranks”
    (win win, they get better games and I get better games)

  11. Man, exactly this happened to me yesterday
    We're attacking and the spike got down, defenders last player was watching it on the other side of the wall, it was me and my teammate to peek it and kill. We know that he was there, it was just peek and shoot or lose
    I said to my teammate, very slowly, to follow me and kill if i lost the trade. So i go and win with like 5 health, and my mate simply dont followed. If i lost that trade we simply lose the round because he didnt followed

  12. 5:08 THIS!

    People think you're only good if you top frag.

    You could win and have a shit ton of assists or have less kills, but your KD is even or positive, and they'd think they carried you HARD.

    There's a ton of times where I'm holding one of the sites all by myself because I picked up on the enemies rotation or stayed back for a possible fakes. They'll ignore my call outs and then rush over when they see I get a kill or hear a bunch of shooting. Then I'm there by myself holding back a 3-man push, not only get a kill, but to mainly make time and delay the enemy, for my teammates to come. Then they'll come and wipe out the enemy team.

    This way I have Intel on where exactly the enemies are at, so there's no guessing.

    There's many other ways to "carry"/contribute to the team, besides top fragging.

    People think frags = wins, but I've seen and had many games where a player is dropping 30-40 bombs, and their team still lost. They're teams for a reason. Play your part or fill in a part that isn't being played.

  13. I've been trying to get my friends to trade more and not solo peek, especially on ascent for some reason. They'll go out on attack and peek bottom mid, die, then the next one will try to kill over and over lol. So frustrating

  14. Stuff i say in Solo q:
    -What r u aiming at bruh.
    -Bro Just Give call out.
    -Yo Trade me.
    -Yo peek together.
    -Bruh u smurfing? How is ur rank lower then me.
    -r u even wearing headphones
    Add more to the list i u want

  15. The biggest problem in low elo is just that nobody's using any abilities. It makes me super mad and therefore I'm now only playing with my homies duo or triple. I mean it so easy in theory. You die to the operator? Use your abilities. You die because the enemy aimed down site? Smoke 'em off. You can't clutch? Use your abilities. Low elo has it all: Reyna players who don't buy their blind. Omen players who don't use their smoke ever. Jett players who don't use their smokes. Raze players who don't use their boombot. Sova players who don't use their shock darts….. I'm having a mental meltdown

  16. Honestly, in league of legends I'd you absolutely need your team to follow up on your play most of the time, and you have to trust that they will follow-up. Starting as a newbie in valorant with this knowledge i find myself fuming when my teammates don't trade my death lol. Seriously the synergy of some champions in league is just insane and I'd like to see that in valorant tbh.


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