These Nintendo 64 games HAVE SKYROCKETED IN VALUE!

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The prices of video games, specifically retro video games have skyrocketed. It doesn’t matter what console you look at…Sega, Gameboy, PlayStation, Xbox, GameCube…everything has increased significantly in just the past few years. As I was digging in further, I thought it would be fun to put together a list of the top 10 games that have increased in value. This week we are looking at the games for the Nintendo 64 and believe me, you will be shocked by some of these prices! Thank you guys as always for tuning in to my live retro toy/video game hunting videos or just random game talk!

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Goblin From Mars:

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47 thoughts on “These Nintendo 64 games HAVE SKYROCKETED IN VALUE!”

  1. These are recent spikes.. let's not get all "to the moon" with collecting, this is how you build up people's minds with an irresponsible perspective of value. A ready example is Disney VHS tapes, totally different genre than games (duh) but exactly the same level of content in this video. People see this and suddenly think they're game literally went up 150% in value when the reality of the matter is maybe one person bought it at that price.

  2. I enjoyed your video, its very interesting seeing these price spikes, wish I could go back in time and buy more. One in five dollars ever created, was created in 2020 alone. That does not include this year. Looks like there stimulus plan is really working well. A used car avg. price now cost 25 grand. Our home price looking on Zillow increased 98 grand. Silver double since the pandemic. Copper at record highs. Lumber prices at record highs are up over 300%. Gas prices near highs. Now some of this is due to the shut downs but we are really feeling inflation. People who have investments in tangible goods stocks and crypto are making out very well, while people that had there cash in dollars are the biggest losers.

  3. Right when 2020 hit that’s when it jumped. I try not to focus on the price just jump in and play the games.I’m on the hunt for the Zelda games for the N64. But I have the Gamecube remake and I also have them on the 3ds

  4. I got pretty heavy into retro game collecting in 2015 and bought a lot of stuff in my collection then. Back then I was thinking that I should have been doing this sooner, but now I'm just glad I got them when I did. There's a lot of stuff I got just a few years ago at decent prices that I would never pay current prices for.

  5. Hey Rick love this, I can't believe how much some of those games are worth!

    Please do a gameboy version, I'd love to know what the most valuable. Gameboy cartridges are (include colour or advance if u want)

  6. 05:23 – "One of the better ones on the console"? That's literally the BEST wrestling game ANYWHERE, to this very DAY (and it was released in late 2000 already)! And it's not just because I say so, that's the general consensus among a ton of fans.

  7. The current increase has put me in a sticky situation, i have about 3/4 of a complete north american, set including the games mentioned. With the recent increase i don't see myself forking out for the rest, i also don't want to sell what i have.
    I'd be interested in knowing what kind of price super bowling and stunt racer go for these days as I rarely ever see them for sale.


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