They Reworked Lucian And now he's SUPER OP – League of Legends

Lucian mini-rework is finally here in League!! “Like” if you enjoyed & Click The BELL For Notifications!!
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They Reworked Lucian And now he’s SUPER OP – League of Legends


29 thoughts on “They Reworked Lucian And now he's SUPER OP – League of Legends”

  1. so his R shots scale off crit chance now (50+ shots possible?) and his new passive makes his next 2 autos (stacks 3 times) do bonus dmg per auto as magical dmg dafuq? sounds broken as fk

  2. Isn't his biggest concern lack of range? He wasn't really losing match ups bot lane. It was mid to late being useless since he can't duel Champs with his low aa range. Doesn't fix his problem

  3. But why lucian as a theme fits so well into mid just nerf the items he builds and he will be balanced. Please stop taking all fun iterations of champions and let players reinvent ways to play the game

  4. As far as I can tell in this vid, Lucian can give himself passive dmg from his own w (move speed from onhit). This is op.
    Edit: after further inspection, it appears sona auto attacks an enemy that lucian w'd, giving lucian enhanced passive. This is op and means technically.the Lucian changes are not limited to enchanters.

  5. when are they gonna rework kalista her w ability is the worst in the game when ashe can throw vision all the way across the map he has a useless ability that only goes 5 ft and you dont even upgrade ability til lvl 14 that should not be a thing ever

  6. This is not a rework , stop doing what every single other dumbass YouTuber does to get views on their video. If riot says is a mini rework then it is , if is not is not. A fucking number change is not a rework, pantheon getting his Q slow removed is not a rework. But Diana literally getting an ability swapped with new animations it is. Tam getting a swap or fucking heimer getting a new ult is a mini rework. Not "oh dude now Ireland has 4 stacks instead of 5 this mini rework is insane" stop with this dumbass trend for views

  7. the funny part is that it wont stop lucian mid, but it will increase the adc ones.. so if there was 10 lucian players, 9 playing mid and 1 bot, now will there be 20 players instead, 10 mid and 10 bot.


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