They Used to be The BEST Solo Legend… – Apex Legends Season 11

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30 thoughts on “They Used to be The BEST Solo Legend… – Apex Legends Season 11”

  1. Why not run two light guns (like R301 + R99)? I know I've seen Flatline + Wingman for dual heavy. Is there a reason to run the same ammo in both or is there a reason to not do that?

  2. Dudes I know that church isn’t until tomorrow but I have to testify!!! The laaawwwd blessed me with a great random teammate today. And we ended up teaming up and we killed ranked. I have been stuck in gold while playing solo for a week now. And I’m finally out!! So brothers and sisters of the apex Gods get you a good teammate!!

  3. You had gold bag i’d get rid of the phoenix and only carry 4 batteries. I snipe all the time so recently i’ll just start carrying excessive amounts of rounds because i hate running out of them

  4. I remember when gold shields ability was to full heal your shields when you do a finisher. It was so useless they made it a basic mechanic for all shields, and made the gold armor fast heals. Popping a bat was as fast as popping a cell, and gold bag got the bonus health on revive.

  5. I'd have dropped the arc star because there's a high chance it wouldn't be used anyway…although I have been known to carry half an inventory full, for no real reason, at the start of a game.

  6. I have a question that maybe the Apex community can help me with. When i play Apex with randoms I can win some games here and there but when I play with 2 of my friends, we get destroyed. We have won 1 game in season 11. By myself Ive won at least 15. Is the game putting us with harder people because we are in a party? What can be done?


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