This Guide Will CHANGE YOUR LIFE! *Not Clickbait* – League of Legends

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34 thoughts on “This Guide Will CHANGE YOUR LIFE! *Not Clickbait* – League of Legends”

  1. Okay, it's fine and all, but hear me out: At 10:43 You have a slight frame where you see Viego on the minimap, so that changes the perspective in a huge way. First, now you know that they never gank top at this point because they already headed to raptors, so it cancels out the likelihood of any top gank happening. Now correct me if I am wrong, but this means that since You have mid prio with a huge wave crashing turret and Syndra positioning up in lane, You have a great opportunity to just ping syndra to come and collapse on Viego at raptors. And IMO this is a very low risk high reward play since Akali has to clean up the wave crashing or else they lose a ton of CS/xp and You have a high chance of either killing Viego or at least yanking away their raptors / putting them on low HP so they can't gank mid until at least taking their next camp, and then you can just fall back on farming your topside camps. The fact that top has prio also helps on this one. You could say that Viego might have smite, but since they are already pathing downwards, they pbbly smited the big krug.

  2. im in that situation many times i can't countergank and my laner is pushing non stop with a huge disadvantage like me, so i keep doing my camps while hoping my laner doesn't die. but when this happens instead of saying i did the right thing im always thinking , man i suck at jg.

  3. Regarding gathering information. At 11:30 you said top lane is more likely to be ganked by viego because he was not seen leaving krgus. But at 5:51 you can spot viego in the ward going to the raptors. So the answer to the question: what lane is more likely to be ganked, is MID not top 🙂

  4. Noobs playing jg in gold will dive a 0/3 top even though bot needs help I didn't ask for better yet I pinged to he go away and leave me alone but that doesn't matter and if I don't follow he will intentionally feed.


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