this gun makes grinding ranked EASY! (Apex Legends Season 7 Ranked)

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34 thoughts on “this gun makes grinding ranked EASY! (Apex Legends Season 7 Ranked)”

  1. Tip for you man if you really like the hovoc then go to the place where there is water and a house in the middle and there is three bins and the middle one 100% has a gold or a purple there are high rates of getting a gold wingman or a gold havoc

    I’m giving away a $25 gift card of your choice all you have to do is go to my YouTube channel bellow and check out the description for the rules to get in the giveaway thank you all for all the support I’m going to try to start live streaming on twitch and do giveaways live! Twitch is in the description thank you!

  3. I'm so glad you're playing Ranked brother. Thankyou so much for bringing us the magic! I love you man, you've brought so much good to the lives of your viewers, it shouldn't go unnoticed. It's brilliant. Thankyou Sir Jankz! 👊👊

  4. also wattson pylon should follow her like a mini baby prowler.(but if its too strong give her a pylon a 45sec life span)

    Lienom Zekon

    Lienom Zekon

    5 minutes ago

    also if caustic get hurt in melee dealing rang he leaks gas that does five damage

    Lienom Zekon

    Lienom Zekon

    5 minutes ago

    passive revenant can slide crouch walk faster he can jump alittle high and climb walls unlimitedly and hang on them (cant shoot). his tac well work like horizons ult but small it well slow player for 3 second when hit once and draw them in. his ult will now call turn his teammates into shadow zombies and when the death protection expires it bring any teammate or revenant back to the to totem.

    Lienom Zekon

    Lienom Zekon

    5 minutes ago

    crypto passive allow him to hear and see(physically see vibrations) sound waves 60meter away and he can hack empty supply bins to do 1 and a half shield damage and lock doors. cryptos drone when idle can turn invisible but glows a little. when crypto uses his ultimate he will no longer damage his shield or slow teammates but will destroy drone.

    Lienom Zekon

    Lienom Zekon

    7 minutes ago

    when blood hound uses the tactical when finding white tracks they send out a raven that will follow and revel more tracks for 15 second when blood hands scans they will send out a raven that will do ten damage and mark and enemy for 10 second unless there in a building or under something his ultimate will now give him a prowler he can mount hunt and fight with he can't shoot on mount and prowler has the same health has his shield(none of this replace the original their buffs)

    Lienom Zekon

    Lienom Zekon

    7 minutes ago

    lobas bracelet will not have and wait animation or loud sound and she can teleport items and downed or low health team mates away from areas if there close to her. ultimate can now allow her to gather health items 3 times and banners.

    Lienom Zekon

    Lienom Zekon

    8 minutes ago

    mirage passive allow him to turn invisible when standing still for 20 seconds any action or movement cancels this ability. when mirage throws out a decoy it will spawn has a random legend and make the enemies yell "third party" quip while he goes invisible for 15 second if the decoy is destroyed it boost his duration by five(attack action cancel this ability). if mirage is by two team mates or enemies it well make extra decoys of them.( don/t worry if your good the lights on his arm will reveal him).

    Lienom Zekon

    Lienom Zekon

    9 minutes ago

    octane well now have a extra passive that reduce explosive and grenade damage and make him (literally)bounce back from danger. stim well not hurt octane it well have a 20 sec cool down and make him and all his actions fast and boost his regeneration by one shield bar(boost health not shield look back and read that). jump pad will now make u go further depending on the direction your facing including high and when u touch the ground u activate a big stim boost for a short duration.

    Lienom Zekon

    Lienom Zekon

    9 minutes ago

    Bangalore will restore one shield if she gets a knock down and recoils reduction by 5% for passive(if its to strong let her be less good with weapon stocks or reload slower). bang lore can toggle her smoke to be electric and slow targets only or more cloudy to cover more ground. Bangalore ultimate will now land were enemies are or heading and leave black cloudier smoke.

    Lienom Zekon

    Lienom Zekon

    9 minutes ago

    new passive lifeline will now heal more from small health items. her tactical well be called life steal drone and deploy a shield you can shoot through and will only heal u when you damage and enemy. lifeline will now get a labtop with a legend class icon that will decide what type of loot you will get.(like a gamble)

    Lienom Zekon

    Lienom Zekon

    10 minutes ago

    rampart will have two passive: one well replace empty hop up slots with a random buff the other will belike original but only work for like sniper ARs and LMGs. the bottom metal part of ram parts shield will be immune to bullets even when setting up. rampart can now alt her ultimate to hold sheila but will wallk slower and can't reload forcing her to put it away.


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