This is Why Pros are CRYING Over Bangalore! (Apex Legends)

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45 thoughts on “This is Why Pros are CRYING Over Bangalore! (Apex Legends)”

  1. Hello fellow people in the comment section you shall vote to which legend I should main, if you want me to main Bangalore, reply with bang, if you want me to main Gilbraltar, reply with Gibby, the most voted will be Mained by me.

  2. It would be nice if at least Bangalore could see people in her smoke much like how Caustic can see people in his gas. Sometimes her smoke does more harm to the one playing her than the person who’s attacking them. Other times she gets lazered as if the smoke isn’t even there, even with the lack of digi threats and bloodhound scans seeing her.

  3. All pro players do is complain bout bullshit but won’t complain about changing the rank system, getting new modes to play, getting characters buffs that actually needs buffs. If I’m respawn I’m not nerfing Bangalore for shit like that cause there other things that need to be improved and addressed then something other then some damn smoke. That shit been in the game for the longest now. Why you tripping on it when you get killed by it. I don’t even main bang but when I see her smoke I know from instant get tf out regardless if it’s teammate or enemy. Sometimes this community makes me sad. Cause I wanna see why prices high to get apex coins. I wanna be able to get new crafting materials for skins I want instead of fucking around and grinding out apex packs. Change the reward system a bit to where we can get heirlooms instead of playing rank matches or pub matches for 100 times in a season to get one mf.

  4. She's the only character whose tactical is just as bad for her teammates as for the enemy team. She should be able to have a slight advantage in it IMO. And it's not like Apex doesn't have a million characters with wallhacks to counter her.

  5. I have seen this in play and it's a glitch entirely and we all have are different opinions on things like this but like if you in the smoke even on the outskirts of it no Aim Assist at all even with a Digi you get no Aim Assist while looking in the smoke

  6. We are in a scan meta so there is a thousand and one was to counter the smoke. This could be meta changing but not game braking. This might have been done on purpose so that people pic a scan legend.

  7. Intended or not, give the dude props for finding a benefit from using a tactical in a different way. Honestly, nobody complains more than the 'pros'. They're worse than children sometimes.

    "Whinge, whinge, fucking minge"
    – Chopper Reid

  8. Honestly, Bangalore is a pretty good legend imo… her abilities feel unmatched, especially the passive which allows repositioning. However, I think her strongest power isn’t even mentioned in her kit, and that’s how you can deploy smoke whenever and not be bogged by an animation or cancel an action. It’s too good.

  9. Yeah this is literally just the way smoke works and it’s always been this way. I remember playing Bang in season 1 and sitting the edge of smoke. Players can still see you depending on the angle but it’s just a form of cover. You don’t even have to be Bang to take advantage of the smoke this way. Why people are only complaining about it now in Season 12 is just like, b*tch please…

  10. People have been crying for 10 season for her to get a buff.. Now that dude is punishing people with her "useless" tactical, pros are crying??? GTFOH. Pros make cring nowadays.. 😂😂 Love u Rachet 😘

  11. its been like that for 12 fucking seasons XD
    its getting annoying how all these pro's complain about something that hasn't been touched for seasons like the flatline at first then now this lol

  12. Fyi if ur crafting ammo with a light gun eg. R301 and the car u can switch to light ammo mode to get two stacks of light instead of getting light and heavy ammo

  13. Bro why didn’t he just spectate you if he wanted to know who you were good shit tho ratchet you get better every video it’s crazy cause I go back sometimes and watch ur old vids the progress is crazy

  14. It's a mechanic that has always been in the game, I'm a Bangalore main and honestly I don't see how broken something is that it's situational and can be easily countered. Because I hate pros crying over everything, they kill the game themselves.

  15. Bangalore is like a C-D tier legend, and this has been in the game for ages. The fact that pros are losing their shit over an old feature on a bottom 5 legend is so funny to me


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