This TRIPLE SMITE strategy will destroy League of Legends.

You thought Smite Top was a big deal? Well here’s the next step in the evolution. Welcome to the TRIPLE SMITE strategy — coming to a game near you soon!

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47 thoughts on “This TRIPLE SMITE strategy will destroy League of Legends.”

  1. This is the natural evolution of the SMITE JANNA TOP meta that is taking over the entire ranked ladder. Introducing perma-roaming suppots (with smite) just turns the game into absolute chaos! Let me know what you think of the strategy in the comments!

  2. from start to finish .. this vid and this strat… gets weirder and weirder.. the plot thickens .. wether a lone fully stacked yone would be able to bring everything to its natural order .. well as we all saw … at the very end, somebody asked some one to go to hell .. as in literally in HELL .. and the topic diverts to integrity … man, what a thought provoking game

  3. shouldnt you just take all the junglers camps on blue side ??? while ur jungler clears normally leaving their jungler with only one side then setup vision in the jungle and when he tries to get the respawned monsters you kill

  4. this is making me want to try it, so so bad.

    Think of the possibilities 8)

    -Senna perma-roam could stack souls off the junglers farm and stealth them past wards with her E
    -Bard could zoom around getting chimes and tunnel the jungler in on a whim
    -Pyke could wreck their vision control after getting a glaive and get the jungler insanely funded
    -Blitzcrank could turbo-run in and yoink someone right out of their damn lane to 1v2 him and your jungler, and I believe could also yoink the red and blue buffs
    -Thresh and Kindred could make a neat combo, where the tankier thresh face-checks and lanterns Kindred in for their marks

    And so, so much more

  5. XD…..a troller janna top has found so strong meta. Every youtuber is playing this at the moment and it has a very high winrate. Riot should really nerf this. Even pro players say that should be nerfed because its too strong for solo/duoq

  6. you may laugh at senna saying you dont have no integrity but you are just following riots rules and if you can why not, right? simple if someone does it too you just dont cry like senna did because than makes you a hypocrite.

  7. This… is so cancerous… and yet so hilarious to watch. Reminds me of when i played with my friends with Karma, Lulu, Yuumi and Seraphine all supporting a Xin Zao, but this is somehow even worse and way funnier

  8. I hope it won't go with the Overwatch route, where developers apply artificial limitations to keep meta 'stable'. Unfortunately, this is something I can see happen if it gets out of hand.


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