This Urgot jungle build feels really good! – League of Legends Season 12

Check pinned comment for info/tips and thx for watching.
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My Indepth Urgot Guide:
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#Urgot #Season12 #LeagueofLegends


15 thoughts on “This Urgot jungle build feels really good! – League of Legends Season 12”

  1. Runes used: Precision – Fleet footwork, triumph, legend tenacity, last stand, Inspiritation, magical footwear, approach velocity. I also ban graves when I play jungle because he can kite you and his E gives him a lot of base armor and he's picked a lot.

    Important random notes – always get tiamat on your first back it helps out your early clears tremendously and then go straight into chemtank, try to gank for lanes that can proc your approach velocity (also i think blue smite procs it) your ult and q proc it so you can use r to get in range on a gank as well, always circle around camps to proc your shotguns the damage helps your clear a lot and once you get cinder/chemtank make sure you stay near the camps for the AOE damage don't worry about taking damage at this point because fleet will heal any damage you take from the camps.

    I have a small sample size with this build probably about 5 games but it's performed well everytime since the chemtank buffs, I really do think it's very strong.

  2. What's confusing about the TP change, is Riot has been trying for years to make the game super snowbally, highly punishing mistakes and then their hamstringing tp w/a 14m nerf? lmao what're they thinking?

  3. Lol at the Alistar seeing you do dragon and decide that was the time to take a fight, die, ping for help, then blame you for him being dumb. Props to you for not typing back I wouldn't be able to not say something haha


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