This Weapon Banner is a TRAP! Mihoyo is Jebaiting for something YOU Already have | Genshin Impact

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50 thoughts on “This Weapon Banner is a TRAP! Mihoyo is Jebaiting for something YOU Already have | Genshin Impact”

  1. Not much of a trap honestly

    Just basically you can save on a character slot for Sucrose, you can have Venti while boosting your team's EM, this helps mainly for Melt, Vap comp

    MHY always releases weapon that can do subpar partial amount of what a character can do to be equipped to your character to have the same benefit of a lower amount to boost your overall team

    It is the same in Honkai Impact 3rd

    And with that ER stat plus Venti innate ER stat, you can just full on bypass ER and take all the following substat:

    Crit DMG
    Crit Rate
    ER (If you really want more for whatever reason)

    And with this weapon, you are directly boosting your DPS damage, unlike Stringless that boost Venti's skill dmg which is alr good on its own and mostly against enemies that can be airborne CC.

    Elegy is more applicable to enemies that can't be airborne CC, since it boost your DPS directly, you get higher EM and atk% to increase your dmg further.

    It's for those that want that Venti large airborne CC without having to equip Sucrose for your standard 4VV-Vap/Melt comp

    And this can boost F2P Venti users dmg by a decent margin, if they don't have a R2-3 Stringless but this mainly benefit whales who will R5 it, minimally R3


    Very good for whales
    Very good for Vap/Melt comp

    Decent for F2P, any dmg boost is a good boost esp if they are normally from a character slot which you can't invest in, ofc gotta be Melt/Vap for EM to really benefit better

  2. Here's the thing Seka with the Sucrose argument. that is only one instance where the Elegy can be redundant and unnecessary to pull. It is also a very specific instance. Is it more accessible than having Elegy with Venti? Hell yea. especially now since a rate up for Sucrose is up for this banner.

    Elegy has at the moment a couple of instance where it can be great. obviously Venti, but also i can see other supports can use it as well like Fischl, Ganyu, and if you want to Diona (Rather have Sac Bow for her imo, but hey trying to theory craft). Also keep in mind that the amount of bow characters are extremely limited at the moment. This weapon can be good in the future characters. Though i kind of have a bit of a theory that it might work on Amber of all characters. I mean she has the cheapest burst ever. very easy to spam.

    Am i saying that this is a must get weapon? Hell no! Seka describe perfectly well there's an alternative that is pretty malleable in team comps and is budget friendly. Just don't really count it out. Though the other 4-stars do not interest me at all. yes that includes the Alley Flash.

  3. succrose now literally gets replaced by a weapon. You can compare her with thrilling tales vs the bow. But that's it, you compare a weapon + a character vs 1 single weapon.

    That bow can be used by any archer, and we will most likely get more support archers in the future.
    40 summons and no venti tho, no primo so, yeh, i'll take a break

  4. but I thought that's the point. The bow basically made sucrose obsolete, mihoyo is sneaking power creep through the weapons. Why would you ever need sucrose if venti can now buff the entire party. Sucrose was a budget venti anyway and now she was transmuted into a bow for venti to use. Or you can split them in the abyss in different parties and they both play a similar role

  5. Wound up using the 1 Interwtinned fate i got from the level 10 banner pass reward and got the Elegy (4th 5* weapon so far alongside Skyward Sword, Staff of Homelessness, and Wolf's Gravestone) when my main goal was to just raise the pity a bit (got this 6 pulls after my last 5*, the Staff). Would've preferred Alley flash or any other 5* weapon or a dupe of a 4* i use (hell a dupe of WG or Skyward Sword would've been better too).

    Biggest concern i have with this bow is the effect after the sigils take effect…it says it will grante the 100 EM and 20% attack to nearby allies and i'm not sure if that means my 4 party members or if it only applies to co-op allies since i heard of an effect with similar wording that only affected co-op allies…and if it only works with co-op that part of the effect is literally useless to me as i mainly play solo. With that said getting any 5* is ultimately useful as their stat scaling will always surpass 4* stat scaling so i'll likely use this on Diona since the 55% energy recharge at max level will allow her bursts to be used consistently…could even use it on Fischl so i can get her bursts out a lot more as well (granted i'd lose damage though…would probably need to rework her artifacts if i used it on her).

    With that said probably not pulling on any banner for a while since i generally only pull on the weapon banner 1 time per banner and stop if I get a 5*, don't need either Venti or Childe (got C0 for both and fine with C0), as for Rosaria i'll get her eventually on other banners that she's featured on or from the Standard banner whenever i get free fates (don't like her enough to go all in on a banner for her), and as far as the list of leaked characters go i'm not really interested in any of them tbh…maybe one of the Dendro characters so i have a character for all elements but that'd be about it…might just keep saving up gems until Inuzuma now…only other reason i can think of pulling would be for the Battlepass monthly mission for 50 wishes and i honestly don't want to put that many wishes in with what i've seen so far…maybe for the Alley Hunter bow banner as i'd like that bow as it'd be a bit of an upgrade from the Royal bow i've been using on Childe.

  6. This weapon is basically catering to people who LOVE Venti and use him in every comp they have – And I can understand that. It makes an already incredibly useful Character that much more beneficial and cover a wider array of roles.

    Personally though, I just pulled My first 2nd and 3rd Sucrose within 10 wishes and will be sticking with her for the time being’

  7. well considering that this new bow can be slapped on any bow character with fast multi-hit skills (Fischl, Diona, Amber, Ganyu, etc), it can save a sucrose slot, with the benefit of whatever char you slap it on. That is a lot

  8. If you're going to compare them using Sucroses A1 & A4 you should really have taken Venti's into consideration as well because Sucrose is getting no ER or feeding the team either which is a massive blindspot you've missed there. You're comparing apples with pears doing that.

  9. I mean ofc a weapon cant replace a character. But Venti with Elegy will vastly outdmg the EM sucrose with tales AND will also offer a pretty respectable buff to the party. I'd still go with harp, but this is not a bad bow for venti tbh.

  10. Did everyone forget they left out a weapon??? There was supposed to be a alley flash bow, it's in the promo material, but no where to be found on the banner…… which is just awesome 🙄

  11. Wouldn't the better version of Elegy for the End be on the sword. I think itll be great for bennet, xinqui, jean, and even qiqi so now qiqi isnt just a healer but also a buffer. Your argument saved me $$$ lmao but try to stop me for when the version comes out on the sword.

  12. my rasor party dont have any book user ;( also rasor probably cant hit targets in air with venty, gonna try get him for my Ningguang party.
    Woof and meow party always have diona, im in love with her shield and this bow looks pretty good for her.
    is it worth 5* banner? 20% atk and 100 ele mastery for rasor… and i totaly agree its not worth for f2p player

  13. Avoiding information from leaks, I don't see any point in the 1.4 update at all. Yes, I would like to receive the Rosaria, but at what cost? The weapon is also not impressive, i just dont understand it. Rosaria not in the Venti banner sadge.


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