Thresh Jungle but We Do a Little Trolling – League of Legends Off Meta

Don’t do this. It isn’t good.

“OneShot” AD Thresh Guide Here!:


We have a discord too:

New Twitter:

This was played with viewers (Normal Draft) on my Twitch stream (link above).

BUT if you are going to do it, I recommend any Bami’s Cinder mythic, it’s more defensive, allowing you to not just get obliterated upon meeting pretty much anyone, gives decent waveclear for the jungle, and keeps you useful.
Galeforce is amazing on Thresh since dashes are great and so are the stats, but is very very snowball-reliant and if you were to fall behind even on Noonquiver you would struggle to catch up as everyone else gets those sweet Season 11 Mythics that do bonus damage and kill you instantly.

Also, practice the clear in Practice Tool a few times first. You don’t want to be backing improperly or clearing inefficiently on an already weak jungle-clearing champion.

Thanks for reading

Conditioning/Bone Plating

Any secondaries.

See my new AD Thresh Itemisation Guide on MOBAFire:

Stream music is by Gamechops
“Zelda & Chill”
“Zelda & Chill 2”
“Poke & Chill”

Hey, you read the description, big PP energy to you!

Now for some random tags and stuff for the algorithm, ignore these:
League of Legends lol lol reddit “lol reddit” opgg euw na kr eune “reddit league of legends” “legends of runeterra” runeterra evelynn worlds “lol worlds” champion champions “lol champions” 2019 2020 kda ahri akali kayle wukong “kda ahri” poster riot points “riot points” top “lol top” adc Thresh probuilds “thresh probuilds” “dark star thresh” dark star high noon “high noon” “thresh lol” pro builds pro build god price mobafire s9 s10 “dog walker thresh” meta metalol “lol thresh ad build” “ad build” “ad thresh top” “thresh full ad” “full ad” full ad thresh s8 “build thresh” “full ad thresh” “lol ad thresh” “ad thresh build” “thresh full ad runes” God why is youtube so hard now jesus christ ad kassadin troll viable “ad thresh” tresh “ad tresh” l Xin Zhao AP Chogath Cho’Gath Cho Gath Yes Hi You Read These For Some Reason But APPARENTLY YouTube Decided “Tags” Should Do Basically Nothing and the bloody DESCRIPTION matters more in searches and related! WOW! Anyway Back To Tags Gwen Seraphine Viego Samira Lunar Beast Spirit Blossom Lore Kekw AP Thresh
#Thresh #LeagueOfLegends #LoL


22 thoughts on “Thresh Jungle but We Do a Little Trolling – League of Legends Off Meta”

  1. i wonder if i've never stopped playing LoL, and never stopped using thresh… would i be even half as good Cryo is with the threshy boi…
    its too late to change my profile pic anyway

  2. This reminds me of my first times playing league where I was really bad. Jungling was less about a fast clear and more about trying not to just die to the camps. For context, I played kog’maw, Irelia and later neeko jungle. Those were the days.


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