TOP 10 BEST CHAMPIONS IN WILD RIFT 2021 – League of Legends Wild Rift

This video is about top 10 best wild rift champions in 2020

In this video I have also added some tips and tricks to easily win the match with these heroes soo make sure too watch the video till the end 😄
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▫️Here are some more video’s to watch! ▫️📺




🔹Top 5 best Jungler Champions in Wild Rift


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44 thoughts on “TOP 10 BEST CHAMPIONS IN WILD RIFT 2021 – League of Legends Wild Rift”

  1. The 10 champs in this vid….i tryed them n they r kinda true your not even lying at all so…u will get a like! 😀
    This is a usefull vid i will be honest

  2. I would not say Ahri is No.1 she can easily be countered with enemy CC and there is only 1 tank Alistar to help her in the game currently also she is weak unless fed early

  3. I would add yassuo since early gamr and late game yas burns like hell especially when his teammates can airborne like malp, it depends on the player tho because theres many that doesnt know how to use yas. Same as zed, he's strong as heck the ult deals ton of dmg but can be countered and its kinda hard for beginners to learn zed like yas. Ezreal is op marksman, can solo squishy hero and last but not the least, Olaf and Nasus. Those champ hurts like heck in team fights.
    Enjoy your time playing wild rift before teemo comes out because that kid op and can literally DRAIN ur health.

  4. i know what champion i want to main and play as i have been playing LOL since 2018 , so will wait for new champion to come , till then will play with AKALI and yasou !

  5. Btw to all the beginners that want to carry the team chose a jungler champ..

    I really really recommend Lee sin or Evellyn because they can carry the team really well I have a 30 winstreak bwcuase if evellyn


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