Top 10 Best Dungeons in World of Warcraft (Up to BFA Anyway)

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In this video will be going over the 10 Best dungeons in World of Warcraft history, up to Battle For Azeroth anyway.

–The List–
Intro: (0:00)
10- Halls of Reflection WOTLK: (0:07)
9- Scarlet Monastery Classic/MoP: (1:53)
8- Grimrail Depot WOD: (2:52)

7- The Stonecore Cata: (4:11)

6- Sunken Temple Classic: (6:45)
5- Shadow Labyrinth TBC: (8:23)
4- The Deadmines Classic/Cata: (10:04)

3- Return to Karazhan Legion: (11:30)
2- Culling of Stratholme WOTLK: (13:04)
1- BRD Classic: (15:12)

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49 thoughts on “Top 10 Best Dungeons in World of Warcraft (Up to BFA Anyway)”

  1. I would definitely always leave Halls of Reflection back in Wrath. it was fun at the beginning but got old very fast, waiting for npcs, and having to kill wave after wave of adds.

  2. I personally think Scholomance should have been on the list. the revamped version.after going through the tirisfal glades storyline, up to plaguelands and andorhal, than ends with Scholomance.

  3. before watching the video if BRD wont be on the list i will be disappointed

    Edit:OMG its #1 thats a surprise; also ST at #6, even after 11 years of playing the game i still dont know my way around and dislike that place

  4. A note for the bronze drake from the Culling: I don't know if they changed it since but at launch the mount was guaranteed for only 1 person in the group (you had to /roll for it). The mentioned optional boss would only be there for a few minutes (25 if memory serves) and if you failed to reach it before the time's up he'd just kill the guardian and teleport away so you couldn't get the mount. And only in heroic difficulty

  5. I really miss Cataclysm's dungeons. They were SO fun, and though you got some shitty groups, when you got good groups who understood mechanics and worked together, it was so fun. Easier than organising a raid but still that raid feeling. Miss it a lot. The new dungeons clearly built around mythic+ are shit, imo. It's all about trash pulls.

  6. To this day, I don't even know all dungeons and raids that are located in Blackrock Mountain. I was so overwhelmed by BRD and I kept confusing with other dungeons in the mountain. And the Cataclysm added more of them, and I didn't play the game around that time. So somehow this location is still very mysterious to me.

  7. Sunken Temple was one of the worst dungeons ever made. I was there I guess two times or so and I have been playing WoW now for many years. It's nearly as bad as Maraudon (the old one). Really really lame storywise and much too large.

  8. Culling of Strath also Had the Crest of Lorderan Shield, which at the time had decent stats and it looked pretty good making it a solid Transmog for Alliance or Undead Horde

  9. halls of reflection wasn't the trash, it was this was also when LFD was new, people would que for it under geared, and not knowing to burst down healers, then rouge, then mage, instead they'd just aoe and pull threat causing wipes because you couldn't count on the average person knowing how to handle the trash packs at the start. I only did HoR with a guild group or friends.

  10. I'm sorry I like this video but I have one issue with something he said WoW did not pioneer instanced dungeons Everquest had instanced dungeons many years before WoW came out, in fact if you look it up Everquest is the game that inspired the WoW Dev's to make the game. Then there was the sequel to Everquest, Everquest 2 which also came out a couple weeks before wow, which also had static non procedurally generated instanced dungeons so WoW did not pioneer static dungeons they may have popularized them but not pioneered. Sorry for the rant but that rubbed me the wrong way for some reason.

  11. One of the first dungeons that came to mind as one of the greatest was vanilla ST, but I was shocked to see it actually mentioned — I thought I was the only one who liked that endless labyrinth, and it really wasn't done that much in my experience, so I thought everyone would've forgotten about it. The word "dungeon" has lost its meaning, now it means just some hallways with add groups and a boss at the end. ST was a dungeon in the original sense. When you went down there, you could feel the distance between yourself and the world above. It felt like miles.

    Personally, I would've included: vanilla UBRS and vanilla Maraudon (princess route). Maybe Wailing Caverns — maybe not the greatest, but so iconic for leveling horde. WC was one of the first dungeons that showed WoW was going to be intricate and detailed.

  12. Hard disagree on Halls of Reflection. It may have been good lore, but it was an enormous pain to run with anything but a pre-made group. I think Zul’Farrak should have made the top 10, but mostly agree with your list.

  13. "top 10 best dungeons. number 10. nobody liked this dungeon." 😂😂

    tbh in my humble opinion, Operation Mechagon and Freehold are better than half of this list.
    ….does this mean… bfa had the best dungeons? 🤔

  14. Also trying to get people to run Sunken Temple and BRD was hellish. A lot of people hated those places with a passion and refused to run it. It was like how people dropped from LFG when they got Halls of Reflection or The Occulus.

    Also, your last point about dungeon size is flawed. You say that hardcore players didn't like longer dungeons. WoW shouldn't be designing anything off the truly hardcore players except stuff like Mythics. The truly hardcore players are a very very small percent of the total player base and shouldn't be the baseline for anything.


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