Top 10 BEST GUNS in Apex Legends Season 8

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Apex Legends best guns season 8 by Alarmix. In this video I hope to clear up the apex legends season 8 gun meta for you. I am going to be talking about the best guns to use in apex legends season 8. Season 8 is a good season for the weapons because they finally made the meta decent in apex legends. I hope you enjoy this video on the best guns in apex legends!


41 thoughts on “Top 10 BEST GUNS in Apex Legends Season 8”

  1. honestly, I thought the g7 would be on this list. I know it had double tap removed but I can't really call it a nerf. There is nothing more annoying than being absolutely beamed by a g7 at medium range especially by a gibby.

  2. i really prefer the volt over the havoc because the havoc is harder to actually hit people and a lot of people will say oh yeah but the havoc gets up to great damage ,well if you want an energy gun that does lots of damage in my opinion the devotion is better

  3. volt is so easy to use its literally an L-star/R-99 hybrid. bullets are bigger and better range than the r-99, more accurate and better recoil than the L-star, find even a blue mag and you have (probably) the most versatile gun in the game. Its a low risk high reward gun.

  4. I don’t think the havoc deserves to be on this list. If the enemy is jiggle peeking you will not be able to do any damage because of the charge up time. If the enemy sees you first , you will take a ton of damage while the havoc is charging up. Even if you like to get up close and personal, the charge up time sucks because the enemy will be able to hear the havoc charging up. All they have to do is get behind cover and jiggle peak to counter the havoc.

  5. The g7 scout is a good assault rifle. It is the best at for mid range because it is the best weapon for countering headglitchers. When using a full auto weapon it is harder to kill head glitchers because of the recoils and the lower damage. If the enemy is crouch spamming head glitching. You might only do a little bit of damage on them when using a full auto. The g7 scout is bad at close range, but season 8 is not a close range meta.

  6. huh once again overrating the r99…. the volt even with the nerf and no attachments is better then a full kitted r99. the volt is easier to use and doesnt require 5 stacks of ammo. and saying the r99 does more dmg than the volt is dumb

  7. Btw because of locked and loaded Ltm I feel like the Mozambique has been good for me idk but if you pair it with the volt deal damage with volt finish it of with the Mozambique and mastiff to me is trash I keep shooting at close range too and 22 18 13 32 damage that’s all but when somebody has a mastiff I get one shotted and that’s the end for me like yo and btw I feel like everybody mad at me and re45 been kinda heat for me too so yea that’s my opinion but idk bout all of you

  8. I THINK THIS LIST SHOULD BE DIFFERENT here is why i first in s8 i started with r301 and r99 and in the end i always lost bc of r99 it ran so fast out of bullet and i took sometime to reload so i decided to make another combo using volt and r99 this combo was good volt was insane long range close range volt was helpful the only time i used r99 was when the enemy was 1 shot so i finished with it so i tried another combo volt and r301 and this was it the best combo i gain always like 5 kills while using this so but when i tried to use mastiff thing was different it good on very close range but something far wouldnt be helfull so list for me is 1.volt 2.r301 3.prowler 4.l star 5.flatline 6.spitfire 7.r99 8.triple take 9.hemlock 10.sentinel


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