Top 10 Final Bosses in Video Games

Final boss battles can be the ultimate culmination of a long-fought journey through a game, or a let down after sinking hours into an experience. But there are plenty of fantastic final bosses to pick from throughout video game history. From recent encounters like the final foe in Sekiro to a Metal Gear Solid 3 boss we’ll never forget, these are IGN’s picks for the top 10 final bosses in video games.

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19 thoughts on “Top 10 Final Bosses in Video Games”

  1. Personally I was bored fighting the same guy in God of War.
    One of my favorite boss battles has to be Ninja Gaiden 2 NES boss battle. DarkSouls 3 had a pretty cool boss battle, the same for Star Fox 64

  2. Ngl the Super Mario Galaxy 1+2 final bosses are both the only 2 times that a Bowser fight really goes above and beyond. Kinda surprised neither of those fights made it but definitely agree with the bosses on this list that I've actually fought


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