Top 10 Most Broken League of Legends Champions

Back in the day, League of Legends had 40 champions you could choose from. Right now, at 156, that number is basically four times what it used to be. It’s great to have so much to choose from but sometimes new champions bring new balancing issues. so with that said, here are the top 10 broken League of Legends champions.

Footage Courtesy:

Edited by: Ryan McKenna (@RyMcKenna_)
Hosted & Narrated by: Danny Burke (@lurkeyburke)
Written by; Alina Sotula (@ASotula)
Thumbnail by: Brandon Mistele

Music used under license from Associated Production Music LLC (”APM”).

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48 thoughts on “Top 10 Most Broken League of Legends Champions”

  1. I don't really see how Irelia is "broken" as she has loads of counters, cannot be played toplane (where she was intended to be) because she is weak compared to the other toplaners of the meta. She dies in 1sc after getting CCed, has an insane skill cap like Akali but doesn't get to escape any situation by pressing E and R (prior to nerfs). I genuinely don't know why people think Irelia is a problem in the game, she is barely picked in the pro play and boasts a 50% WR in it while other champs can get upwards to 60-70% WR with actually more games.

    In my opinion the "Irelia is broken" is more a fact that people don't respect her capabilities to all in you and when she is fully stacked people tend to not respect that and play aggressively against her when they should be on the defensive. Long story short, she's not busted and requires a good amount of skillcap to make good use of unlike most of the champions in the list.

  2. If you're going to talk about beta TF you need to at least mention beta Jax. He could dodge everything including the fountain lazer. He would just sit in the enemy fountain and auto attack the entire team ro death

  3. Picking 2 early league time Champs feels awkward, like everything was broken.
    It starts season 4, we're they really try to mainline the balance.
    Yet only 2 out of way to many broken Champs 2015 for example no mention to adc mordekaiser, or kalista the best adc? Gangplank? Or early season 5 the Warwick rework?
    U missed nearly every real broken champ. Saying Gwen or virgo is broken, but yet nearly half of all Champs are broken is just ridiculous.

  4. Pretty bs list, just replace this with the most recent champs released or reworked plus Season 3 Kassadin and you have a more accurate list. Akshan can revive his enitre team plus can go invisible and when he does he can gain mana and moves faster, you can never get close to Vex to kill her wether you try to flash her, dash to her or walk up to her, Samira upon release has absolutley broken and is sleeper OP to this day, Viego and Gwen are already here, Sett is the epitome of "Call an ambulance but not for me" and Lillia has recently given top laners PTSD, she can do it all.


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