Top 10 RPGs (Part 1) || Michael and Allen Talk About Video Games (Working Title)

My good buddy Michael Knipp and I sit down and have a good ol’ fireside chat about our favorite RPGs. We do not get through all 10.

@Michael Knipp


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For the generous souls who wish to bestow upon me the blessing of books!


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33 thoughts on “Top 10 RPGs (Part 1) || Michael and Allen Talk About Video Games (Working Title)”

  1. Great vid guys 😀 Michael, Shadowhunters will fill that edgy KH vibe with some extra angst, and each spinoff gets more dramatic and more fun (especially the two prequel series)
    I love the relationship banter between Morrigan and Aleister
    Dark Souls 3 is a lot of fun, not bloodborne good but still good
    It’s nice to see SMT get some more love, I adore most of the games (although p3,4,5 are tied in my top 5 games)

  2. Before I watch, I'm assuming (hoping?) there's Elder Scrolls (Morrowind / Oblivion / Skyrim, any of these really), Fallout, Mass Effect, Witcher, Dragon Age, Final Fantasy VII or IX, Ultima IV (maybe that's asking for too much perhaps?)

  3. Absolutely loved this! But I'm thoroughly in Michael's camp on Dragon Age II. I was furious when I played that after loving DA:O and playing through all of the possible storylines. I hated the lean towards hack and slash with the combat, the regurgitated maps that just changed which doors were closed, and after loving snarky Anders in Awakening, I hated seeing him turn emo. Plus the choices were so black and white after the nuance in DA:O. I did love some of the characters (Varric!) and the more interesting Qunari though. I think Inquisition is actually my favorite in the series since it blended the combat styles but kept the awesome storytelling and area maps. The amount of hours I've put into Inquisition is higher than any other game I own that's not an MMO.

  4. The first like 20 hours of the ff7 remake had me in awe at the sheer craziness of turning 10 hours of the original game and a bunch of subtext into a full fledged game where I thought I was enjoying it. Then the linearity of it, the combat and repetitiveness of it woke me up and realized it was not much more beyond spectacle. It is insane what they did with it and I commend them for trying, but it didn’t translate into a good game.

  5. A couple of book nerds talking about their favorite RPGs. Quality.

    And I'm afraid I'm on Michael's side with Morrigan v Wynn. I liked taking my grandma along to save the world! And, while there were things I liked about it, there's just sooo much fluff in DA2.

  6. Dragon age 2 was my favorite of the 3. Best characters and great story. 1 had the best impactful decisions and was my 2nd favorite. 3 had the shortest actual story and the least impactful decisions, but it was still a good game.

  7. I’ve long made the argument that Phineas and Ferb ruined a whole generation of Disney shows from people only looking at the surface and saying “be random” and then applying that to all the new shows and failing to see the real brilliance of the show. Much like Olof

  8. Allen, Dark Souls 3 is sooo good! DS3 is a happy middle ground between DS1s slow and methodical combat, and BBs fast pacing.
    The souls games generally had bosses based around Knights or Beasts – but since DS3 came out after BB, it also incorporates bizarre creature designs.
    The gear In DS3 is also nuts, with hundreds of weapons and armor pieces. I love that kind of stuff. Probably the best Sword and Sorcery vibe in a modern video game, in my opinion.

    I feel like Bloodborne will still be your favorite, but DS3 was my first souls-like and holds a special place in my heart.
    Fromsoftware keeps making masterpieces!

  9. I know nothing about video games but I’m just here for Allen and Michael content

    Edit: Also, I’d love to know if any of the ones y’all mentioned are good for people who know nothing about video games or maybe a video recommending some?


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