Top 10 Smartest Video Games Villains

Check out the 10 Most Intimidating Video Game Villains Who Never Speak on MojoPlays!

Good luck outsmarting these bad guys! For this list, we’re looking at the most fiendish foes you’ll ever come across while gaming. Since we’ll be explaining the villains’ cunning plans, there will be spoilers ahead. Our countdown includes Dr. Mobius “Fallout: New Vegas: Old World Blues” (2011), Gaunter O’Dimm “The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt” (2015), Juno “Assassin’s Creed” series (2007-), The Joker “Batman: Arkham” series (2009-15), Albert Wesker “Resident Evil” series (1996-) and more! Which of these villains do you think has the highest IQ? Let us know in the comments!

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46 thoughts on “Top 10 Smartest Video Games Villains”

  1. Hey WatchMojo.
    How About Top 10 Fathers Vs Sons In Video Games

    Eg. Zeus vs Kratos (God of War 3), Haytham vs Connor (Assassin's Creed 3), Vergil vs Nero (DMC 5), Heihachi vs Kazuya (Tekken), Batman vs Damian Wayne (Injustice 1 & 2), Kenshi vs Takeda (Mortal Kombat X), Jecht vs Tidus (Final Fantasy X), Hades vs Zagreus (Hades), Dracula vs Alucard (Castlevania game), Kratos Aurion vs Lloyd Irving (Tales of Symphonia)

  2. Tom Nook a villain? Are we playing the same game? Crazy Redd exists too. I could go on about how wrong you are, but whatever, I'm pretty sure WatchMojo does something questionable in every video of theirs. 🙄

    Edit: and today is his birthday of all days! Low blow smh

  3. Handsome Jack
    Manipulated the vault hunters to open the vault. Used that to create a bunch of weapons and increase the power of Hyperion.
    This is as spoiler free as I can make this comment for games that came out in 2012 and 2014


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