Top 10 Worst Updates of ALL TIME | League of Legends

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My Top 10 worst updates of ALL TIME in League of legends. I’ve played since Season 2 and have mained topmid for most of it. That should give you some perspective on my choicesrankings.

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0:00 2022 Preseason
0:19 Download Opera GX!
1:42 10
2:54 9
3:44 8
4:41 7
6:04 6
6:45 5
8:07 4 OPS forgot the title!
9:18 3
10:17 2
11:43 1

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29 thoughts on “Top 10 Worst Updates of ALL TIME | League of Legends”

  1. One change that's not on the list, but annoys me a ton is the change to trap counters on aram. A few years back you could buy items or a pot for 500g to deactivate traps, nowadays you need a canon minion with limited radius to see any traps. I can see the point that the old system, where you counter a half/full champion's kit, may seem broken. But the current system annoys me even more, as playing engage style champions against a Teemo or Shaco is just way more difficult, since they can almost always clear the canon minion before it reaches most of their traps

  2. Most of thèse are the ramblings of an old players missing the old times imo.
    New queue system is so superior.
    Ff15 is a qol change. Sometimes a game is already lost at that point. Just because one in 10 games you can comeback doesn't mean you will suffer for the 9 others.
    Runes now are so much easier to use.
    I don't get the tribunal one, you put it there even tough you say you love it? I think you meant thé update that removed the tribunal, right?

    But i agree for the rift and invisibility. What the hell are thoses

  3. Rune reforged was one of the worst patches for me . They should just made all runes free. Give us the new mastery tree , but leave runes as sth different . As a singed proxy main from S3 , I miss movement Speed runes and deathtimer runes. We had so much different rune pages in high ELO on singed. Nothing got stale ,and everyone had STH unic.

  4. I disagree with the Elder Dragon point, lots of times we lost the elder to the losing team and they wiped us out. Other times, we stole the elder from the winning team and turned the tides. I get what you're saying, is that usually the winning team just guarantees their victory by securing the drake. But trust me, that's not always the case.

  5. I don't think the old rune system was that good, but it's true it was really diverse and fun to build. The main problem with runes nowadays is how overloaded they are. In my opinion, a reworked old style rune system + the old mastery system (the one with thunderlord and grasp) would be way better than modern League runes. Things would also be easier if you didn't need to pay that much blue essence to get new rune pages.

  6. I think the preference on the old que vs new que system is going to be somewhat based on your region. I know in NA it was almost always a shit show of people just running it down because they didn't get their roles. Maybe it was better in other regions.

  7. I think the update where you no longer gained (now blue essence) for completing a match made the game extremely grindy because it now takes me about 20 matches to get maybe 2k essence and Champs are basically 7k on launch

  8. Personally, I hate the idea of a dragon soul.
    Sometimes the game ends before anyone got the soul so the dragons didn't matter at all but other times the team that got the soul just auto win.
    I really really hate the item changes…
    Basically forcing me to buy a mythic item early on… I feel like it reduced the amount of different build PATTERNS we had.

  9. I do like most of the points.
    But I have to admit I disagree with some of them.
    1. The new Rune sites are defently 100% better. I do not really get your point there. Because some people just had a straight lead because the enemys couldn't afford runes. I mean I do liked the old runes overall more but the fact that u had to buy them was defently a bad thing.

    2. Also Rift should defently not get denied. It just sucked tbh. What is the reasoning behind this? Top lane is already an island why make it worse then it is anyway? 4

    3. Pink wards on invisible champions like shaco… well yeah these champs just sucked with old pink wards tho. Not sure if you ever played shaco back in the days but this is literally his only tool to do sht and you could counter the entire champion with 75 gold. I believe a pink or now called control ward should reveal them just like on oracle atleast but not completly reveal them. I feel like the bigger issue are champs like qiana that can literally be perma invis.

    4. elder… Kinda hard because in some way I do actually agree with you. Elder is just way to hard of a coinflip thing because no matter how far behind you are if you have elder you just win every fight. But also elder is good because if you have a lead and the enemy just has an big defending team it's nice to end it more quick if you have a big lead. I just feel like elder should be more tanky or overall deal more damage, just like baron. It's just so much easier to take elder then baron because u do not get any debuffs and it doesn't really have a 'good' aoe attack.

  10. Riot’s made a lot of changes, and many of them are terrible…

    My most hated changes are by far the whole vision rework, runes, and smite buffs from camps.

    Total invisibility has no place in League, it’s by far the thing that tilts me the most. It’s bad enough when you can counter it, but when you can’t – like with shaco and akali – it’s just the worst.

    Runes changes still make me sad to this day. It’s a common theme with Riot though, removing diversity and fun. I agree something needed to be done, full runes vs no runes was an insanely huge difference and it took a LONG time to get full runes. It made an already awful start to the game even worse. But they just offered so much diversity and interesting niche play styles. You could do so many super interesting tiny little customizations to get a completely personalized setup. Whereas now everyone runs virtually the same setup, and 90% of the runes are either always taken or never taken. Such a huge loss of diversity!

    And the jungle camp smite buff was also in that same vein of diversity and new ways to play. Removing it removed a lot of interesting plays!

  11. The reddit Post at the end is the worst idea ever, the game is about winning, and u dont have to have a good KDA to be a good Player and that shouldnt be the Point of a game like league. If you cant win but ur KD is good i mean ur maybe just bad at the game, its a Team game not a kill Fiesta.


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