TOP 3 Champions To MAIN For EVERY ROLE in Patch 12.7 – League of Legends Season 12

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0:00 Intro
0:31 Top
0:36 Quinn
1:56 Sejuani
2:45 Warwick
3:25 Jungle
3:29 Talon
4:03 Vi
4:33 Skarner
5:17 Mid
5:21 Neeko
5:45 Kennen
6:20 Ekko
7:24 QotD
7:44 Bot
7:48 Karthus
8:10 Ashe
8:41 Xayah
9:08 Support
9:13 Maokai
9:52 Janna
10:40 Syndra
11:19 Outro

Concepts: Best ADC 12.7 Best support 12.7, best mid laners 12.7, best junglers 12.7, best top laners 12.7, patch 12.7 rundown, 12.7 lol, 12.7 changes, item buffs 12.7, preseason 12.7, chemtech drake 12.7, hextech drake 12.7, Aatrox buffs 12.7, illaoi buffs 12.7, gwen buffs 12.7, pantheon buffs 12.7, yasuon buffs 12.7, yone buffs 12.7, wukong buffs 12.7, neeko buffs 12.7, gangplank buffs 12.7, kalista buffs 12.7, lillia buffs 12.7, karthus buffs 12.7, umbral glaive buffs 12.7, abyssal mask buffs 12.7, zeri nerfs 12.7, ryze 12.7, lee sin 12.7, jayce 12.7,

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20 thoughts on “TOP 3 Champions To MAIN For EVERY ROLE in Patch 12.7 – League of Legends Season 12”

  1. I find eclipse to be overrated on junglers. I see too many Lee sins Jarvans and Xinzhaos choose this item over GoreDrinker sure the Pen is nice and all but Gore drinker gives whip which is better for early clears and also gives ability haste which is important to the game. Eclipse on bruisers also gives no HP and because your forced to go Ionians because Eclipse doesnt give Haste. Your too squishy for a bruiser. As for assasins and lethality ADCs Eclipse is a good mythic.

  2. hey man. good video. i like seeing these. but the delivery sounded like you were reading the script. there was no excitement or inflection that i heard. just constructive criticism from a fan.

  3. QOTD: Aery, especially with lethality builds, yeah I sometimes utilize it with xayah but I prefer crit or switching to crit later as my dmg with lethality starts to fall off, and item wise I’d have to say axiom arc on just about any assassin(mainly pyke)


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