TOP 3 PRESEASON Champions To MAIN For EVERY ROLE in Patch 11.23 – League of Legends

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0:00 Intro
0:27 Top
0:32 Urgot
1:40 Garen
2:20 Ornn
2:53 Jungle
2:56 Vi
3:22 Elise
3:59 Nocturne
4:33 Mid
4:38 Singed
5:10 Zilean
5:59 Rumble
6:26 Bot
6:29 Kindred
7:26 QotD
7:41 Twitch
8:09 Ziggs
8:33 Support
8:38 Sona
8:58 Maokai
9:29 Zyra
10:17 Outro

Concepts: Best ADC 11.23 Best support 11.23, best mid laners 11.23, best junglers 11.23, best top laners 11.23, patch 11.23 rundown, 11.23 lol, 11.23 changes, item buffs 11.23, preseason 11.23, chemtech drake 11.23, hextech drake 11.23, fimbulwinter 11.23, mythic items 11.23, rift scuttle changes 11.23,

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35 thoughts on “TOP 3 PRESEASON Champions To MAIN For EVERY ROLE in Patch 11.23 – League of Legends”

  1. QOTD for me it is Viego. I've been spamming him and even on his lowest points I have been consistent with him. If I don't know what to pick I always aim for him. His theme and kit to me scream excitement and fun.

  2. QOTD: Seraphine
    I know she gets a lot of hate, but she was the champion that helped me learn the game when I started playing in February. Her kit is really fun, simple, and has good utility for her team.

  3. QOTD: Yuumi. Sure, she gets a lot of hate as a no-skill champ but I find it impossible to have a bad time playing her support, win or lose. A nice, chill refresher after a bad losing streak. Plus, she was my first main.

  4. QOTD: Shaco is my #1. The plays you can make with his R / Q are so much fun. Knowing that your enemy is immediately tilted just seeing a Shaco on the other team is a bonus 🙂

  5. QOTD: I know I will get a lot of hate for this but Yone is my favorite character and my comfort pick. He's really fun and when fed he's unstoppable. I play yone top so if I win lane its truly because I'm better than my laner.

  6. Well I would not say Signed, Zilean, Rumble are good champions to invest your time in during preseason. Singed holds a 54.78% win rate right now (all ranks) which is equal to NERF ASAP and rumble and zilean will disappear from the meta soon to.

  7. QOTD: Sona, I found that I connected with her character a lot even before her rework. I loved being able to self-insert myself into a musical champ that doesn't talk a lot and uses a similar instrument to one that I play IRL. Also seeing her use magic on her instrument reminded me of all the Chinese stories I was told as a kid. Having picked up league consistently during quarantine, she has been my comfort pick whenever I've been having a real bad losing streak haha 🙂

  8. QOTD: Jhin, ever since i got into the game and got Jhin, anytime i want an easy win where i dont need to depend on my team, lock in Jhin, moment i get the mythic its game, unless the enemy ADC had killed me 5 times and i didnt even scratch them


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