Top Five Unexplained Easter Eggs in Video Games

This video came out creepier than I thought it would but maybe that just shines a light on how we much prefer easy explanations for hidden secrets in our video …


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26 thoughts on “Top Five Unexplained Easter Eggs in Video Games”

  1. Some Pokemon are human spirits, though. The best examples are Yanmask and Phantump. The mask that a Yanmask carries is the face they had when they were once alive in the era they lived in, sometimes they look at their own mask and cry. Phantumps are spirits of children who got lost in the forest.

  2. The Jet Set Radio easter egg was probably just a result of one developer who really found that level fun and enjoyed lowering their time, thus immortalizing their experience and seeing who else could beat it.

  3. I think we've had dead humans as Pokemon as early as Gen 5, with Yamask being souls that look at their mask (which was their face in life) and cry. Phantump are souls of lost children who died in forests, and I think Sword and Shield retconned Gengar's evolution line to also be dead humans.
    Some become Pokemon and some don't. It's weird, but I'm here for scary implications in kids games.

  4. Man I expected some more light hearted easter eggs too. Like the toaster in Gears of War 2! Why’s it hidden in a random pillar in alien enemy’s strong hold? Why do the characters that see it then talk about toast?

  5. Some ghost pokémon are reincarnated humans like phantump is the spirit of a child who died after getting lost in a forest. Most are not actually related to death at all like Mimikyu.

  6. Wow, all but two of these were absolutely predictable because they’re on every list like this, the only two I wasn’t expecting were Assassin’s Creed and Jet Set Radio Future

  7. The worst thing about the Gameboy Camera faces was the music that accompanied them, especially the one with the finger on their lips "dont be silly" they said after a 9 year old yeets his birthday present out the car window.

    In Pokémon Black and White , there was a ghost that appeared on one of the bridges. If i recall correctly, its heavily implied that they committed suicide after jumping.

  8. Played JSRF too damn much and I can contest that I have not ever seen that Easter egg anywhere, but then again, I haven't looked for it being too busy jamming out to the music instead. God the music is just soo funky!


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