TOP TIER GAMEPLAY – Genshin Monday #7 | Genshin Impact

The Chaotic Streamers: Will we get a prototype today? Let’s be honest you already know the answer LMAO.


28 thoughts on “TOP TIER GAMEPLAY – Genshin Monday #7 | Genshin Impact”

  1. Bro every 2 weeks or a month, take a day off. In the long run, it helps to get rid of being burnt out over the game, and if you really feel bad about not uploading once, just make another video and schedule it to go live when your day is off.

  2. As far as knowing the 4 HR to 20 HR difference in expeditions, I think the logic applies to the whole game. It's really good to just explore everything about the game and read about the mechanics so you don't miss stuff. For example, for a long time I didn't even know that there were 2 merchants who sell CRAB in Liyue. And now 3 since after the last update, Mihoyo added crab to the regular merchant at Wanmin restaurant.

  3. Prob able to do 3 – 3.2k points in about 4-5 tries. Meh artifacts, 4* weapons at lv80. Fun event but I personally wouldn't be able to complete this event without my character variety. I think it would be a good video to do at 1k point increments (like what debuffs you would choose to optimize for different teams/point levels) and team subs. This event def gives a lot of content if you have time to edit.

  4. 3500 on average on the current event. It's challenging, but not extremely hard, AR 50. At lower ARs though, I can see it being quite hard, but for sure 2000ish points per boss should be doable. Oh and no prototypes here, cheer up bro….

    That was a lie, got one yesterday :p


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