Tryndamere, But My Ults Up For TEN SECONDS And I One-Shot Everyone (Season 12) – League of Legends

Tryndamere, But My Ults Up For TEN SECONDS And I One-Shot Everyone (Season 12) – League of Legends

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30 thoughts on “Tryndamere, But My Ults Up For TEN SECONDS And I One-Shot Everyone (Season 12) – League of Legends”

  1. well, at 16 kills in and no deaths, we are somewhat entitled to believe and mostly expect you to 1-2 shoot peeps all around the damn map, butt… obviously this arc thingy is broken AF

    Nice quicky 😉

  2. Everyone said Hull breaker would be broken just like this item, but it turned out it wasn't. Please remember you are watching a challenger player with this s*** out of silver players

  3. 1000IQ buy the new item as karthus late game for perma karth ult

    Edit/side note: also this item isn't too strong imo because for a full reset or mostly full reset you still need to kill 3/5ths of the enemy team… so in best case a ace by ulting 2x? and most Assassin ults or anyone who would genuinely build this item aren't game ruining if it's just a Zed R… Qiyanna ult is a different story though lol


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