TSM ImperialHal on Tap Strafing is Getting Removed From Apex Legends

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TSM ImperialHal’s thoughts on Respawn’ve decided to remove tap-strafing from Apex Legends in patch 10.1.

TSM ImperialHal:
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19 thoughts on “TSM ImperialHal on Tap Strafing is Getting Removed From Apex Legends”

  1. I'm on controller and even I'm against this! Because I love watching people with crazy movement like Aceu and many others. I think we can all agree that there are many other things they could focus on.

  2. it’s funny how the main mnk players that tap strafe like to complain about aim assist and why it’s a dumb move to remove tap strafing. A year and a half is how long it took for everyone to figure out about it, so why is it a issue being removed now? You were good before, what tf will be the difference for it being gone?

  3. Instead of all these , they should invest on making the servers and the game itself less laggy. Tap strafing my ass, why would you wana remove a mechanic which makes the game unique in his own way. 0 IQ apex devs

  4. You can’t say the same thing about aim assist lmfao
    You aim with every muscle fiber in your body. I have my thumb. Stfu
    It’s literally impossible to track a tap strafing enemy. Your argument makes zero sense

  5. I'm not sure if you will actually come up against or realize what the problem is here that they're trying to solve

    When you come up against some people that can actually do this they weave from side to side in a way that it is impossible to hit them it's too fast you don't understand I thought it was a hack for a while

    I don't think a lot of you have seen this and I don't think most of you get what they're trying to remove especially on the videos where they're talking about removing it

    It is ridiculous when you see it

    I'm serious it's just side to side almost instantaneously it's nuts it really is


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