TSM Pro's Family Swatted by Viewer

In the same week, another @TSM pro has been swatted live on stream, this time a captain for their @Rainbow Six Esports team. Luckily no one was harmed in …


33 thoughts on “TSM Pro's Family Swatted by Viewer”

  1. All you of geniuses in the comment section advocating for government to stop anonymity online do you even think about the repercussions of that beyond stupid swatting?????🤔🤔🤔 guys please get more educated!!! I’m sure most of you are very young and your view on the world are prob pretty narrow

  2. If they can confirm who this guy was in chat, I wonder if they can get his IP from his account or info from a donation if he made one. If this happened to me. I would immediately look to press charges.

  3. Bro when people swat a livestreamer they are taking a potential risk of going to jail and the police department store 911 calls so they can track your phone number and go to your house

  4. Are you telling me that when someone calls 911 thier phone number and address doesn't come up? These calls need to be thoroughly vetted before they send a SWAT team to someone's house. It's been a thing far too long


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