Tyler1 explains why we actually hate League of Legends

In this League of Legends clip Tyler1 explains why we actually hate League of Legends.
Credit: https://www.twitch.tv/loltyler1

#tyler1 #lolclips #leagueclips


39 thoughts on “Tyler1 explains why we actually hate League of Legends”

  1. Tyler influences these assholes tho. The way he spams ff and the way he types with the exclamation marks is so weird and so many assholes are typing that way now. And it's so cringe whenever I see it in my own games.

  2. Agreed the game is fine it's just the players and dev's that are the problem they have no respect I bet when I dev that actually cares about balancing they just say mmm ok but let's give irllia a buff and shen a ult buff and katarina a buff vlad a buff yorick a buff to so we can nerf them next patch but only nerf IRELLIA ms don't want her to be playable. IRELLIA in game q q q q q aa you to death 1 items.

  3. Like it's pretty obvious. League is a team game not played as a team in soloq is JUST THAT. you don't go every fucking day to the basketball court in your hood and complain about random if you are a lil bit serious about it, you LOOK FOR A TEAM. And play basketball as a team, develop strengths issues, help each other, grow, u are empathetic, but you can't grow healthy as an individual in a team game is just that simple.

  4. It is like with every game, if you bring a competetive element like tournaments and big prize pools, suddenly eveyone is a pro and optimizes every aspect of a game and then flames Kaisa in aram for going AP.

  5. if this shit company would come up with a good scoring system they would fix the game. But they are too lazy and that's why i will never play league again, as long as the 0/10 teammate gets as many points as me winning or losing.

  6. The culture of this game is probably the worst out of any popular multiplayer game out there. I believe that if they removed chat and only gave you 1 ping every 20 seconds the game would be a lot better. And if people wanted to co ordinate they would be more incentivized to team up.

  7. What ruins this game for me is how solidified the meta became. It's impossible to play anything outside the pool of 30 top tier champions with their top tier builds because you just get stomped or other people flame you whenever you try to make anything different to try to break the meta and actually have fun playing the game. I miss the old times where you could build ap on almost anyone and it worked.

  8. honestly let people gain at least a small amount of LP based off of individual performance how well did you lane and how many kills deaths and assists and also how many objectives you assisted in getting, vision score and cs score and if you lose at least you get like 5 or 10 LP that's never gonna hurt and the people who int lose LP or something close to that but they will not do this because they are to dense in the head to realize that 90% of league games has either a troll a toxic player, flamers, inting assholes, or all thee above or you are winning game and everyone gets along and you lose 1 team fight and lose the game and people start calling you a retard and a piece of shit and a loser and tell you to uninstall honestly the more years go by the more I see this fucking game dying it wont die super soon but eventually this game will be laid to rest and something will take its place cause honestly I used to absolutely love this game and after a 3 year break because [players are toxic and muting them is just something I hate doing every single game it shouldn't be like that but league shows how many ignorant fucks are online waiting to get in game with you just to make you feel like shit, so after 3 years I came back which was recently and wasn't long till I did bad in a game like 0/5 and 0/8 and just got clapped on and it does happen to the best of us but what are you gonna do man, but those scores gave enemies opportunities to report me and tell riot I'm inting in their games etc. like wtf man I'm just trying to play the fucking game dude, honestly i hope the community and the devs change but honestly lets be honest its never gonna happen.

  9. Especially when you’re playing one of those games where u type nothing and you’re shit stomping the enemy laner and he starts flaming the whole game because he’s mad that he’s so shit, so u start typing back and end up with a chat restriction in the end.

    Or one of those games where you’re not saying anything but compliments to your team after they make a nice play, little do you know – the mid and jungle you just complimented are the most toxic dog shit duo in na. The Darius you’re shitting on in lane goes mia after shoving the wave so you ping he’s missing every 5 seconds while you collect the wave under your tower. A total of about 5 pings that he’s been missing, and 3 danger pings mid, sadly is not enough. For he waited in the brush for 1 min in river to successfully gank mid. Bring the flame from the mid jg duo because it’s my fault I didn’t follow Darius, not even knowing if he reset or roamed. It gets better, after the game of back and forth flaming each other, which again I wish I never complimented these dick heads in the beginning, they both friend req me so I accept both and invite to flex game, and we just go at it on voice comms. Unsurprisingly they both sounded like little 13 year old fags

  10. Bro EU west is the worst for this.

    All the discord degenerates are too edgy to try being a team.

    Takes a braver man than me to keep up with this dog community


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