Tyler1 reacts to 12.1 patch notes | League of Legends

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13 thoughts on “Tyler1 reacts to 12.1 patch notes | League of Legends”

  1. Rek'sai is my favorite toplane champ and nerfing her E is painful for me. Bc of higher tunnel cd she loses tempo and escape/engage potential, while the dmg is 30 true dmg difference at max rank. They even talked about this not affecting maxing Q first, but the thing is NO FUCKING REK'SAI EVER MAXES Q FIRST! She is countered by many Champs even with new lethal tempo, she doesn't need fkin nerfs

  2. It's like the balance team only looks at the game from the surface. Everyone knows Sona's overpowered state is not due to her insanely strong armor or her insanely E spam, it's because of her passive. As an ex-support main, I always hated how Sona was treated. It's the epitome of incompetence? We made strong enchanter items? Let's gut the champions' endurance. Our buffs on skills made enchanters too op? Let's lower their endurance and cd. Every fucking support gets like 40 to 50% cd, why do you think a 2 second nerf matters? Reksai's basic attacks deal the same damage, if not more, than E on everyone that doesn't build armor. Why the fuck are you nerfing the two least important skills? It's clear they don't play the game and just look at stats and the outcome on paper

  3. T1 is the epitome of what it means to be addicted. He hates the game so much he's seething at the mouth from how dogshit retarded Riot is making LoL. And yet he cant stop playing. I know because i too suffer from this addiction.


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