Tyler1: The Reason why League of Legends is Dying

00:00 intro
03:42 amumu support (mid wintrading)
14:57 guess who the wintrade?
23:36 wintrade rabbit hole
35:51 wintrading smite

Each video we try to find the best moment in Tyler1’s stream in which he talk about a specific topic(mainly League of Legend related), an event or a special move he done in his gameplay… and through our creative editing process, we transform it to something more fun and more entertain to fit the Youtube viewers who weren’t able to watch the live in real-time.

â–º Credit:
• Twitch: https://twitch.tv/loltyler1

â–º Follow us on social media!
• Twitter: https://twitter.com/lodravennYT

© LoDravenn have Tyler1’s full permission to upload his content on Youtube.

On LoDravenn you’ll find all the greatest highlights from your favorite streamer Tyler1 combined with creative and high-quality editing. We spend hours of editing to transform the raw vod into something unique you can’t find anywhere else!

#tyler1 #loltyler1


40 thoughts on “Tyler1: The Reason why League of Legends is Dying”

  1. I understand, after a long and rough history League has treated you very well and is a huge part of your YouTube success.

    But man, I remember you playing Neith in Arena on SMITE and saying how satisfying it was, and enjoying the challenge of having to your your basic attacks.

    I love you playing League, I do… but I'd love you to moonlight SMITE some more as well. You're huge, people love you for you… you can survive playing other games. Also, Predecessor is coming out soon (was Paragon, under new Developer) and we're all going to be hype to see you working that as well. 😀

    As a compliment, I dub thee the Asmongold of MOBAs. 😛 😀

  2. I don't care about toxic behaviors as much as gameplay. The oneshot meta just isn't fun, all that farming and waiting only for fights to last a couple of seconds then you have to wait a long time again. I guess Mage and Assassin mains have always been doing that regardless of the meta so they are at their happiest now. Thank god Elden Ring is here to save me.

  3. I don't play league a lot, so maybe I'm just unlucky, but out of ALL the matches of league I've played, I've never had a GOOD one. In my very first match I had a Neeko Smurf. And in every game after that someone on my team has either never touched a PC in their lives, or someone leaves or rage quits because someone is unnaturally bad, or just makes one mistake.
    The only "good" game I actually enjoyed, was one where both of our ADC left the game after feeding a Diana, and we still were able to win because their full team kept coming at us one at a time.

  4. they legally allowed inting under the guise of bad play, what did you expect from devs who suck at their own game?
    i keep reporting people with 0-1 / 10-20+, but they kept playing with those kind of score every game with no ban whatsoever
    you tell me ppl with mastery 100-700+ can have consistent shit score like that every game back to back, i can tell you then, they dont deserve to breath, the 'bad players' and the devs both

  5. As someone who is hardstuck iron (iron 4 twice), I learned to train constantly to where I'm now being questioned about being iron. I've learned my lesson on playing ranked. Especially in iron, people lose to become iron 4 so they can sell their accounts. I rarely play ranked because of this reason. No matter how much someone can train the team can still lose.

  6. Why not go for something else, Tyler1? Did you not have enough of all the negativity shit you get from players who's only intention is to ruin your day.
    Get good at some of the FPS games so you can go solo and kill em! This game is very dead and I have finally uninstalled this shit. No more ever again and Riot, what a waste.

  7. This type of wintrading detection probably has to be done by a person, so you would need like a riot police inspecting hundreds of thousands of matches to decide if they wintrade or get boosted.
    You would need many people working all day on watching op.gg games I mean I'm not sure it's possible to fix.

  8. something that 0,2% of the playerbase even experience is supposed to be "The Reason why League of Legends is Dying"..? iiiiidk fam… don't get me wrong: win trading IS cringe (very much so), but it got no bigger impact on why LoL is dying

  9. I'm not going to go as far and say that eSports has ruined casual gaming like some people think…

    But man, from League to Overwatch it is starting to really feel like things are going in that direction.

  10. Game is only thriving in pro scene since they don't have to deal with any of this bs. Can't wait for Project L to drop – no team, just 1v1 with no one else to blame except yourself.

  11. I don't know, I feel like the main problem with league is the mentality of the player base. It's like most of you guys are the type of people that see a building catching fire, know the firefighters aren't going to do anything about it, so instead of helping putting it out you go the extra mile to throw your own piece of coal and bottle of gasoline into the flames. You laugh as the fire grows because "flame funni", "fire goes brr" or some other bullshit like that, then you complain when the fire spreads to your own houses. Honestly, I am glad I left this hell hole called league of legends, if you read this far I hope you can leave it too.


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