ULTIMATE MID MACRO Guide: Priority + Rotations + Roaming & MORE – League of Legends Season 10

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We cover the ultimate mid lane macro + priority guide.

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Concepts: Best ADC 10.17, Best support 10.17, best mid laners 10.17, best junglers 10.17, best top laners 10.17 patch 10.17 rundown, 10.17 lol, 10.17 changes, Caitlyn nerfs 10.17, Sona nerfs 10.17, Lux nerfs 10.17, Evelynn nerfs 10.17, Hecarim nerfs 10.17, Qiyana nerfs 10.17, Yone nerfs 10.17, Aatrox buffs 10.17, Varus buffs 10.17, Xayah buffs 10.17, Kai’sa buffs 10.17, Gragas buffs 10.17

Conceps: Best ADC 10.18, Best support 10.18 best mid laners 10.18, best junglers 10.18, best top laners 10.18 patch 10.18 rundown, 10.18 lol, 10.18 changes, Sett nerfs 10.18, Ashe nerfs 10.18, Shen nerfs 10.18, Galio nerfs 10.18, Kog’maw nerfs 10.18, Ahri buffs 10.18, Ahri rework 10.18, Kayle buffs 10.18, Jarvan IV buffs 10.18, Rumble buffs 10.18 Miss fortune buffs 10.18, Twitch buffs 10.18, Xin Zhao buffs 10.18

00:00 Intro
01:08 QOTD
02:07 What is Lane Priority?
03:20 How to get Mid Priority?
06:17 Mid Priority in Early Game
07:55 Mid Priority in Mid-Late Game
09:14 Conclusion
09:57 Outro

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48 thoughts on “ULTIMATE MID MACRO Guide: Priority + Rotations + Roaming & MORE – League of Legends Season 10”

  1. I watched this video and had such good macro. I helped bot lane and I assisted every objective I destroyed mid lane. Somehow a SINGLE team fight lost us the game. Turns out once I rewatched it Enemy Jinx got top lane SD and that made her “fed” so she proceeded to melt us. I think I quit. That 3 fed players can be outclassed by Jinx and yummi.

  2. QOTD: Macro all the way, I'll see a riven go 7/0 in mid vs fizz but get nothing done while fizz roams. Roaming, taking objects, warding the enemy jungle helps make leads.

  3. I guess Micro ? I'm a support main who's shifted to Mid lane in ranked games because I get tired of being at the mercy of my team as a support player unable to carry, making it harder to climb. The first 15 secs of this video is the bane of my existence, but the very first instance didn't speak to me at all, because I'M wondering more so — "What happens when you're countered, forced to play safe Mid lane & CAN'T roam?", As that's typically my issue (especially against assassin oppositions like Zed or Kat); Regardless of the outcome of my KDA (some times not having the highest on the team or something) I generally win lane by trying to play as safe as possible UNLESS I'm positive my opposition cant contest with me (allowing me to shove & rotate).

  4. for me there's so many things that I know why I lose and don't know why I lose. for starters I have a really bad laptop and play on the lowest graphics possible so that just makes my screen much smaller so I personally like farming under tower to avoid being ganked most of the time . most times I would win lane hard but still lose the game cuz I just cant shot call or when I do it fails lol I do roam when I see a perfect and easy chance but I do hate roaming unless I'm already so far ahead cuz a fail roam makes me miss cs and exp

  5. I lost a game where I dominated a Yone as Ahri, but I couldn't really do anything with my lead. The enemy top was so fed I'd have just died because he was Swain and could just pop ult. Bot lane was losing hard and the enemy lane* had vision control, so they saw me coming and backed off. I don't remember if my jungler was doing well or not.
    Anyway, even though I had priority, my options were so limited because the risks in trying to roam outweighed the potential outcomes, so all I could do was get tower.
    So my question is: What do you do if you have prio, but your side lanes do not? Do you try to roam anyway knowing success is a 50/50 pot shot in the dark, or do you stay in lane to snowball your lead to try and impact teamfights better than the enemy laners later in the game?

  6. Something that can frustrate me a bit is when I'm a champ with fairly slow wave clear against one with extremely good wave clear. When I was learning Wukong, I went up against a Sion, my jungler did help me stay ahead of him, but because Sion could just charge up his Q and destroy the whole minion wave, he forced me to stick around when I could and should have roamed. Since I was still figuring out Wukong, I most likely just didn't know how to make the most out of the advantages I had, plus Sion was still bulky enough that even if he was at leas 0/3, I couldn't just jump on him and win 1v1, I'd poke when I could then back off, and repeat that until I wore him down. By doing this, when he died, he'd always have TP or his Ult ready when he respawned, so he'd use either of those to come back quickly, then take out the whole wave with one Q, so even with a big lead I couldn't stop him from pushing the lane super hard.


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