ULTIMATE SEASON 11 LEGEND TIER LIST! (Apex Legends) [Season 11 Which Legends to Play] (World's Edge)

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0:00 – Intro
0:29 – S-Tier
0:51 – Gibraltar
1:10 – Wraith
1:30 – Bloodhound
1:55 – A-Tier
2:05 – Ash
2:34 – Valkyrie
3:31 – Caustic
3:58 – Crypto
4:20 – Octane
5:04 – B-Tier: Fuse & Wattson
5:28 – Seer & Horizon
6:01 – Pathfinder
6:38 – C-Tier: Bangalore
7:15 – Loba
7:37 – Revenant
8:01 – Rampart
8:28 – Lifeline & Mirage
8:51 – Tier List Summary

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41 thoughts on “ULTIMATE SEASON 11 LEGEND TIER LIST! (Apex Legends) [Season 11 Which Legends to Play] (World's Edge)”

  1. This is a terrible tier list for several reasons. First and foremost Valk is S tier because of the mobility options in frag east and west let alone across all of the POIs. Loba is definitely higher than C tier since the loot pool has been significantly nerfed. Fuse is A tier because he is a real nuisance in the grenade meta. Lastly, Pathfinder is insanely good when used well so because of that alone pathfinder should be A tier.

  2. I main crypto and mirage depending on the map but both of them need a good look at by the devs as mirages tactical is just not great and crypto is fully revolved around his drone with a terrible passive as you can just ping or use coms

  3. I think it’s a solid tier list tbh. I think valk on the first split is S tier but back on worlds edge it’s not nearly as big and I think other mobile legends will find their way back into the mix such as octane, Path and obliviously wraith.

  4. Coming from a diamond player, might be one of the most inaccurate lists I’ve seen other than S tier. Lifeline, Bang, Loba, Fuse, Horizon, Path, Wattson, Crypto, Caustic, Valk, Ash, Rev, and Rampart are all out of place.

  5. Not sure why Mirage is so underrated. I played him extensively solo ranked for 2 seasons and reached diamond both times. You have a number of versatile ways of engaging fights and escaping.


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