Unique Quinn Interactions That Separate Her From Other Champions – League of Legends

League of Legends Season 11 Quinn Guide 🦅
►TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/QuinnAD
►DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/yfufyJS
►TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ADCQuinn
►INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/QuinnADC/

Here Is My Ultimate Toplane Matchup/Build Spreadsheet & Mobafire Guide:
►S11 Mobafire Guide: https://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/quinnads-season-11-grandmaster-quinn-guide-568972
►Matchup/Build Guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16toE_aWFB3Mk_lOBQ3xTSrr87VUb8OlgABGmOSjlC3E/edit#gid=305311095

►Editor: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWbw9nZUiEweJak_CJj8Ffg
♪ OUTRO SONG: https://song.link/ca/i/1513779873
►INTRO/OUTRO DESIGNER: https://www.twitch.tv/mo0z

0:00 Intro
1:14 Aatrox
1:39 Akali
1:54 Anivia
2:10 Camile
2:59 Cassiopeia
3:17 Fiora
3:28 Darius
3:46 GP
3:52 Garen
4:02 Gnar
4:16 Gragas
4:42 Gwen
4:49 Heim
5:26 Illaoi
5:37 Irelia
5:45 Jax
5:52 Jayce
5:57 Karma
6:06 Lillia
6:23 Lissandra
6:55 Lucian
7:13 Maokai
7:27 Nasus
7:44 Neeko
8:29 Nidalee
8:55 Nocturne
9:19 Olaf
9:40 Ornn
10:01 Pantheon
10:18 Poppy
10:24 Renekton
10:44 Rengar
11:04 Ryze
11:26 Shen
11:30 Singed
11:54 Sion
11:57 Sylas
12:03 Tahm Kench
12:16 Tristana
12:27 Tryndamere
12:37 Urgot
12:53 Vayne
13:00 Viego
13:08 Wukong
13:30 Yone
13:44 Yorick
13:55 Zac

#QuinnGuide #Quinn #LeagueOfLegends


49 thoughts on “Unique Quinn Interactions That Separate Her From Other Champions – League of Legends”

  1. You can E fiora Q, that will make her cool down waaay longer and fiora depends on her Q.

    You can Q Morde R.

    You can follow anyone's flash with E (and ez E).

    You can get Kayn out of the wall your E (if he is deep on the wall both of will come out on the other side of the wall).

    Don't E Hec E he cancels your E lol.

    And most importantly build a huge slow push when the jungler ganks you let him hit you then kite him to the wave, E him inside the wave again, minions will kill him 🙂 (Early game).

    And other …

    You can see now why we don't want riot to rework Quinn 😀

    Edit: You can also follow eve R, not sure exactly how it happened to me only once

  2. This helps so much with some of the harder matchups. my friend and I were testing Viego vs Quinn since its a hard matchup. I didn't know that Veigo's pull is a Channel. so as soon as I learned that, it helps with the match up so much.

    Thanks for another great guide!

  3. Thank you so much Frankie, with ur help i got really good on Quinn and today I got my first ever Pentakill (and then a double Penta as Quinn) and completly 1v9 this game with the second penta being nearly 1v5 (2 mates hittet them for like 0 dmg), thank u so much

  4. I watch your videos a lot and i thought i knew all interactions. Today i found out that there are i lot i didnt knew about and a lot that i knew but i dont use it enough. Thanks a lot as always!! Love that kind of videos!

  5. If ur doing part 2 might i assist:
    -E ashe's W and R to turn it backwards
    -what heppens when 2 quinns E each other (u know, in case of all for one)
    -E with item interactions (prawler, gale, edge of night, stride, stopwatch)
    -blast plant E interaction
    -thick wall E interaction
    -following ekko, malphite's r with E (im not sure)
    -skills that can contest quinn E (like gragas body slam)
    -quinn E to cancle TP
    -escaping Jarvan full engage with quinn E
    – Q/W a jungle camp to E over
    -Q a jungle camp to stop it from attacking
    – quinn E counter certain supports (like Alistar Rakan dash)
    -quinn E can push kindred out of her R but only when she is at the edge
    – following leblanc W with quinn E
    -quinn E away to avoid endangering allies from MF's Q, Zilean bomb and etc.
    – quinn R dosent cancle during recall with baron buff
    – E to avoid chogath Q
    – fiddlestick effigy interaction
    – can you follow galio ult or not
    – can you reverse graves ult or not
    – cancle kayne Q
    – slowing 1 kalista hop with E slow
    – wat happens when kassadin and quinn dash at the same time
    – E away from kogmaw passive
    – can warwick W smell you when you blindsight him or not
    – spam E between a dying enemy and an ally carrying yuumi to immediately cancle yuumi from helping the dying ally

  6. I feel like canceling Riven's third Q should be there. Is quite telegraphed (since she has to use the other 2 Qs first) and can completely f up her combo. Oh, and a question, does using E on Lee-Sin mid Q flight cancel the damage? It cancels his travel, but i don't know about the damage

  7. I also happened to escape a Leona E by E-ing another target, there are quite a few ways to use E as a dodge mechanic, seems to mainly directly counteract a lot of movement abilities and it requires great timing/flow, be creative guys

    i bet it could stop Ekko's E and probably Kha's E, probably could stop Braum's W, at the very least, this vid has broaden my perspective on her E mechanic

    thank you very much for this video QuinnAD, I learned a lot and will have to rewatch it again and again to remember it all 😛

  8. To sum it up nicely:
    quinn e:
    – cancels most dashes and channels (nunu r, vayne q, xerath q, mf r, teleport)
    – follows dashes/flashes/blinks (ezreal e, ornn e) if timed correctly
    – cancels auto-attack triggered abilities (garen q, camille q, pantheon w)

    Quinn harrier:
    – reveals champions even in bush until expired or consumed
    – marks "real" champions if the target clones (wukong and neeko e, shaco clone) and if they were marked before cloning.

    Quinn q:
    – cancels all abilities that require vision (point and click abilities and auto attacks) (garen r, mord r) if timely correctly

  9. Great video, man! Does anyone know which ability has priority in this interaction: Quinn Vault (E) vs Alistar Headbutt (W)? It's not in the video. I play Quin ADC but didn't have a chance to test it.

  10. and also one important thing. You can ONLY execute most of them when yo have low ping. I play mostly on 60-90 ping and it's so hard to execute some interactions when I'm on 90 ping. The timing is so important.


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