UPDATED TIER LIST: Best Champions in Patch 12.6 – League of Legends

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0:00​​​ Intro
0:16 Top Lane – Tier List
2:15 Jungle – Tier List
4:18 Mid Lane – Tier List
6:42 Bot Lane – Tier List
9:39 Support – Tier List
10:34 Conclusion
10:49 Outro

Concepts: Best ADC 12.6 Best support 12.6, best mid laners 12.6, best junglers 12.6, best top laners 12.6, patch 12.6 rundown, 12.6 lol, 12.6 changes, item buffs 12.6, preseason 12.6, chemtech drake 12.6, hextech drake 12.6, Aatrox buffs 12.6, illaoi buffs 12.6, amumu buffs 12.6, ashe buffs 12.6, lucian buffs 12.6, kalista buffs 12.6, xayah buffs 12.6, sett buffs 12.6, rumble buffs 12.6, neeko buffs 12.6, nami buffs 12.6, Blade of the Ruined King buffs 12.6, Immortal shiledbow nerfs 12.6, nidalee buffs 12.6, hecarim nerfs 12.6,

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45 thoughts on “UPDATED TIER LIST: Best Champions in Patch 12.6 – League of Legends”

  1. I've been a Talon one-trick since season 9, and I'd like yall to know that there is 1 champion who actually does better at roaming than Talon; once you realize this, it'll make you understand just how broken they really are: Pyke

  2. Op is a new tier level and not 1 or 2 champs anymore. These guys don't even tell you what items to build, which is like 75% of what makes champs op. Lazy click bait garbage, trying to meet weekly quota. At least make the tier list with love and care CMON MAN! To many views for the quality of these videos. So many other better channels.

  3. yeah op and s tier for bot lane are mostly mages….. when the fuck riot is going to make adcs not get one shot by literally everything
    at this point I'm sure at one point even gromp will one shot adc

  4. Are you delusional or worse than Iron? Stop spreading misinformation and overhyping this champion. Shen is by far one of the worst picks you could possibly pick in the most irrelevant roles in the game that is top lane. Shen requires way too much APM to play him effectively. Even then, you're breaking even or slightly less than the actual decent top lane champions right now. He's no match against the BEST top lane champions right now. The only thing unique about Shen is his ultimate, but it does more harm than good. Especially if the ultimate play results with nothing achieved at all or a disastrous misplay. Besides his ultimate, everything Shen does, some other tank does it better. You want a tank with high dps? Tahm Kench is better. You want a powerful split pusher? Sion is better. You want a team fighting tank that scales very well with great engage? Ornn is better. Nowadays, the top lane meta is so reliably focused on split pushing power. Using your Shen ultimate will just end up being a net loss since you will feed a lot of turret plates and cs into your opposing top laner and possibly ruin the game with one bad ult. It's better to just hold on and impact a game at a later stage with a better tank. Since Shen falls off SUPER HARD in the late game, he's one of the worst options you could pick. Also it doesn't help that current meta also naturally brings Shen counters into the game which makes it worse to blind pick him too. Champions like Sett, Aatrox, Gangplank, Kennen, and Vayne are all deadly and direct counter-picks into Shen that stand firmly strong in the meta currently. You don't even have to pick a direct counter-pick to win lane against Shen. You can pick a passive scaling champion like Nasus and Kayle, and you'll win lane against him that way by free-farming when he's not in lane after he uses his ultimate. Most people are going to have a hard time playing this champion. Especially I see almost everyone doesn't play or build him right. People will either be way too fixated on looking for a hero ultimate play, or trying way too hard to last hit minions under tower and get flamed by missing an opportunity to use your ultimate. People building Inspiration or Precision secondary, going Teleport, and building Sunfire Aegis first item are all signs that they are incredibly inexperienced or clueless with the champion. People that use his Q for last hitting, his W reactively instead of anticipation, or miss taunt really shows their inexperience or mediocrity with Shen as well. Since there are no good items to build Shen ever since Titanic Hydra and Tiamat lost their actives; all the things that made Shen a solid all-around tank, carry, and supportive champion have long since been tweaked; and there are way too many counter-picks and better picks for top lane in the current meta, Shen stands as being one of the worst champions in the game as well the unfriendliest choice for new players that seek for better results and higher win rates for their games. I don't know where you're getting this misinformation from, but you should cease gathering this and the Copium that you inhale 50 gallons a day, and stop the fucking cap.

  5. Yeah… no. You're absolutely fucking delusional if you think that Shen has the carry potential in this season. Especially when Tiamat and Titanic Hydra got nerfed to oblivion with the loss of their actives, and became very obscured items. Not to mention, Shen got nerfs in the earlier patch, so that easily makes him one of the worst champions to play right now. Even, as far back as the whole season before the current one right now, Shen is a total dogshit pick in top lane if you're looking to even win a game. He has so many flaws and a lot of mistakes you can make easily without realizing it, and really bad matchups against the actual best top lane champions currently. His counter picks have far superior carry potential than Shen could ever have. You can pick Sett, Gangplank, or Kennen as a direct counter matchup into Shen, or a passive scaling champion like Nasus, Camille, or Irelia to get ahead when Shen is not in lane while saving his teammates. Most of the time, players don't even build him right. Taking teleport, inspiration secondary, or Sunfire Aegis is already a guaranteed loss at champ select. Anyone who takes any of those is either new or oblivious to Shen, and they're bound to mess up somehow. There's so many things to keep track of, and so many dilemmas to go around when playing him, and a single mistake could cost you your lane or even the game. From laning by missing taunt, and your lane is over, to your decision to look for a hero ultimate play, and you'll guarantee your enemy top laner an early lead, and half of the time, you're ultimate would be proven useless in the end. He used to be an all-around solid champion in Season 10. A tank, a carry, and a support all in one unit, but everything that made him great has long since been tweaked. It's so much harder to cs, and already you have to keep your eyes everywhere when you play. From trying to last hit minions, to not messing up your lane interactions, and keeping your eyes all over the map to see if there's any trouble afoot or happening anywhere else. It's way too much APM to play this champions effectively. Especially if you're not in your A game or haven't been playing the game for a while or you're brand new to the game. If you spend less time on any of these three things when you play, you'll suffer tremendously. Commonly, people will be heavily fixated on keeping their eyes to see if any potential threats or fights break out somewhere else, and they'll be missing a lot of cs, and you'll end up being 2 or even 3 times behind on your lane opponent's cs. If you're focusing too much on trying to last hit, and you miss an opportunity to make a hero play, your teammates are going to flame you for it, and since you're Shen, you're not going to compensate your teammates' mistakes or losses with your champions' joke of a late game and weak team fighting. Since he's not designed to be a hyper-carry, your champion is bound to fall off quickly. Lane interactions are also easy to make mistakes on. Missing you taunt is one thing, and the biggest factor too. If you use Q to last your minions all the time, that shows your inexperience with the champion. Q'ing to last hit minions instead of creating effective trades with it's added % health attacks on his next 3 autos followed by a Grasp proc makes the difference between an amateur Shen and a highly skilled Shen. Not to mention, you're supposed to keep your Q sword behind you opponent to find opportunities to slow them and make your auto attacks faster when the Q sword passes through them. That's something almost everyone doesn't know or take advantage of. You can tell the amount of games of Shen a player has by seeing how well they use their W too. If they react poorly or don't use his W to anticipate a trade, that's how you know that they have a lot to learn in the long run. These mistakes may be insignificant, but adding these little things up will create one big factor to your game as a whole. In summary, his scaling is awful, he's not a good early or late game champion, and his concept revolving around saving other lanes with your ultimate is heavily flawed by the amount of ridiculously broken top lane picks we currently have that benefit from getting ahead early from free-farming. Shen's absence left in top lane whenever he saves his teammates can easily be exploited by getting free turret plates and free minion gold. In return, you would expect that the teammates you save early could convert the lead you gave them in to a win, but then easily throw it away mid to late and cost you the game. This game is already a coinflip game, and Shen just solidifies that. You can't depend on your team as much as you depend on your own self. If you can't rely on yourself to carry, play an enchanter support bot lane. Don't play Shen top. It's making you a liability, and it's making others a liability. You're gambling your lead off to whoever you're so heavily dependent on, and god forbid it's a low elo player or team. At the same time, you're getting your opposing top laner way too far ahead, and you're never going to compensate or win the lane, and most of the time, you'll be giving off first turret. Playing him right requires a proper mindset and good discipline, but in a toxic environment like League, you'll find it hard to focus. Especially when you're tilted. Play easier champions that perform a lot better than Shen. Which is almost every single other champion in the game. Chances are that those easier-to-play champions in top lane can carry harder than Shen.


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