UPDATED TIER LIST for PATCH 11.21 – League of Legends

UPDATED TIER LIST for PATCH 11.21 – League of Legends
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00:00 – Introduction
00:44 – Top Changes
02:04 – Top Tier List
02:59 – Jungle Changes
04:40 – Jungle Tier List
05:25 – Question of the day
05:47 – Mid Changes
06:27 – Mid Tier List
07:13 – ADC Changes
08:00 – ADC Tier List
08:47 – Support Changes
09:33 – Support Tier List
10:17 – Outro

#lolguides​​ #leagueoflegends​​ #skillcapped


38 thoughts on “UPDATED TIER LIST for PATCH 11.21 – League of Legends”

  1. QOTD: Hextech Dragon itself is pretty cool. However, the Hextech Rift seems underwhelming. I wish there were 3 portals on each side, 6 in total… that would make more chaos + fun.

  2. QOTD: I really really like both new dragons. I like them adding new aspects to the game that will make different games feel very different beyond the different champions picked. Chemtech and Hextech are going to be exciting for better or worse.

  3. QOTD: i think the game looks now shit bcs they keep adding new things and its really bad i think it should be another game with this updates i agree mcbaze they want to make game worse game isnt same as it was 3 years earlier (sry for my bad english)

  4. Hey SkillCapped, can you explain your ranking categories?
    OP & S & D Tier are self-explanatory, but I'm confused on what being A rank, B rank, and C rank signify for your tier list.
    For example, sometimes you guys make B tier sound not so bad and then in this video B tiers are for master One tricks only.

  5. can someone tell me why Pantheon is S-Tier in the toplane? i know hes great vs some opponents like yasuo/yone but he has alot of bad matchups and cant be played vs most tanks after laning phase :/

  6. Guys. You forgot to movie Cho’gath up. He is ok early game, rly good mid game and a beast late game. The fact that bruisers are now weaker should make him move up, besides that he is a Nasus destroyer at all stages in game

  7. Vex seriously is OP af.
    I've been maining her and she literally does a freakish amount of damage even without items! Like wtf, Riot? Even worse, is that she has pretty broken CC abilities and an Ult that can literally chunk half to two-thirds of your HP in one freaking hit (if you aren't a tank, and even if you are, she'll just combo you into the ground).

    To add insult to injury, she's easy to play.

  8. Hello, LoL skillcapped. I'm in need, and I don't really know where to begin. I'm a casual player who wanted to try out playing adc. I uh… I'm gold 2 or 3? In my normal games I get paired against D2's and silver players alike, and there's no method to the madness. I either face roll or I get face rolled. Am I really being forced to play ranked to try out a new role? Should I smurf?


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