Valheim first boss Eikthyr exploit

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We’re going to show you a Valheim exploit that lets you beat the first boss, eikthyr, without any gear and without taking damage. You don’t need anything at all for this, but a spear and some food would definitely help.

This Valheim cheat is simple, just run to the left of the boss in a circle around him and you can rotate around him faster than he can attack. Once you have stamina, sprint to get ahead of the rotation and smack him in the thigh and repeat. Once you run out of stamina then walk in a circle around his left until you’re full again.

This Valheim boss exploit is great, it lets you beat this boss without any effort or gear. Now you know the easiest way to beat the first boss in Valheim with a cheat / exploit. Not only is it easy, but it’s also one of the fastest ways to kill the first boss in valheim.

If you’re wondering where the first boss is in Valheim, go to the spawn point of the world and interact with all the runes, one of them will reveal the location of the first boss.


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