You guys have asked me to showcase my longhouse build so here it is!

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0:00 – Intro
0:12 – Front door
0:36 – Main hall
1:16 – Trophy wall
1:37 – Portal
2:06 – Storage/Bedroom/Cookhouse
2:38 – Outdoor workshop area
3:04 – Moat
3:43 – Extras
4:23 – Roof + Chimney
5:08 – Boat house
5:40 – Outro

lofi geek – symphony [ lofi hiphop beat 2021 ]
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Categories N4G

20 thoughts on “VALHEIM – LONGHOUSE TOUR!”

  1. Subscribed to your channel after you started Valheim videos. You had some very informative ones. You had the only video ive seen so far showing how the hell food eating and buffs work, and how building works. Man that blue color on what is the base layer of construction, id never had realized that till your video. Thanks man! You got a new subscriber out of me. Keep it up.

  2. Can somebody tell me how to clic on items on inventory to instantly put them in chest (or same thing to extract them from chest to my inventory) ?
    I tried everything and dragging things everywhere is beginning to be very boring…

  3. it is not a good Idea to have one portal that changes name if you are playing multiplayer as you could end up stranding one another. so a dedicated portal room is recommended.

  4. Dude OMG nice vid, I couldn't help but marvel at your growth with Valhiem videos! I have one suggestion you need to use more tags and Search engine optimization. Right now you are seeing outstanding numbers for your channel, but I think they could be even better. If you put into practice more SEO more people will potentially see it and that will mean more views.


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