Valheim – Sunken Crypts Iron Location Info and Full Run Video

Hi! I did my best to showcase the Sunken Crypts in Valheim and offer advice for how we handled them. I wanted to give you as the viewer the full experience so this is an unedited run! This is how you obtain Iron and the location of Bonemass.

A battle-slain warrior, the Valkyries have ferried your soul to Valheim, the tenth Norse world. Besieged by creatures of chaos and ancient enemies of the gods, you are the newest custodian of the primordial purgatory, tasked with slaying Odin’s ancient rivals and bringing order to Valheim.

Your trials begin at the disarmingly peaceful centre of Valheim, but the gods reward the brave and glory awaits. Venture forth through imposing forests and snow-capped mountains, explore and harvest more valuable materials to craft deadlier weapons, sturdier armor, viking strongholds and outposts. Build a mighty longship and sail the great oceans in search of exotic lands … but be wary of sailing too far…

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