Valheim Swamp Sunken Crypts Dungeon Exploration. Get Iron & More!

The Sunken Crypts is a dungeon in Valheim. Sunken crypts are a dark and gloomy dungeon located in the Swamp and unlocked by the Swamp Key dropped by the Elder (Boss).

These crypts are composed of multiples rooms separated by Muddy Scrap Piles, which can be mined with, at least, a Antler Pickaxe for Scrap Iron and Leather Scraps.

Certain rooms also have a chance to contain chests, Body Piles and/or a Rune Stone which shows the location of the next boss, the Bonemass.

The loot and monsters do not respawn. Creatures you’ll find are: Blob, Draugr, Draugr Elite. Bow and Arrows are enough to defeat them.

Resources you’ll get are:
Amber pearl
Ancient Bark
Ironhead arrow
Poison Arrow
Scrap Iron
Withered Bone
Yellow Mushroom



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