Valorant PRO Plays that got me banned for cheating…

🔔 Valorant PRO Plays that got me banned for cheating… These highlight clips were taken from my Iron 1 to Immortal Ranked Solo Queue series on 120+ Ping!
– Extend for socials ↴

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➥ NEW *AIMBOT CROSSHAIR* got me 100% WIN RATE in Valorant:

➥ CHEATER DETECTED in Valorant, but it’s actually my GAME SENSE:

🎶 Music Credits:
• Giorno’s Theme (‘Il vento d’oro’) – NCS Remix
• JBA (Joseph’s Theme) – NCS Remix
• Valorant – Theme Song (halfTrue Remix)

🏷️ Extra Tags:
↳ Valorant Montage, Valorant, Montage, Mood Montage, Mood Valorant Montage, Epic Valorant Montage, Valorant Operator Montage, Valorant Bucky Montage, Valorant Sheriff Montage, Valorant One Taps, Valorant Montage Edit, Valorant Edit, Valorant Highlights, Valorant Gameplay, Valorant Gameplay Highlights, Ethos Valorant Montage, Flexinja Valorant Montage, Flights Valorant Montage, Flights, Flexinja, Valorant AWP Montage, Valorant Edit, Valorant Pro, Valorant Ranked, Valorant Fracture, Valorant NEW Map, Valorant NEW Agent, Valorant FragMovie, Valorant Movie, Valorant Mood, A Valorant Montage, Valorant Moments, Valorant Epic Moments, Valorant Best Moments, Valorant Best Plays, Montage Valorant Ace, Valorant Best Montage, Best Valorant Player, Valorant Tricks Montage, Valorant Tips Montage, Valorant Tips and Tricks, Valorant Guide, How to Play Valorant, Best Valorant Plays, Valorant Raze, Valorant Sova, Valorant Yoru, Valorant Jett, Valorant Omen, Valorant Sage, Valorant Breach, Valorant Brimstone, Valorant Skye, Valorant Killjoy, Valorant Cypher, Valorant Phoenix, Valorant Reyna, Valorant Viper, Valorant Gosu Peak, Valorant GosuPeak, Valorant Astra, GosuPeak, Scream Valorant Montage, Scream, Valorant Pro Guides, Raze Solo, Raze Only, Jett Only, Reyna Only, Omen Only, Sova Only, Average Jonas Valorant Montage, Average Jonas, Reyna Immortal, Reyna Radiant, Jett Immortal, Jett Radiant, Raze Immortal, Raze Radiant, Valorant Iron, Immortal, Radiant, Rank 1 Radiant, Iron 1, Valorant Ranked SoloQ, Valorant Ranked, Valorant Bronze, Valorant Silver, Valorant Gold, Valorant Platinum, Valorant Diamond, Valorant Immortal, Valorant Radiant, Omen Immortal, Omen Radiant, Omen Smokes, Omen Aggressive Plays, Omen Paranoia, Jett Aggressive Plays, Raze Aggressive Plays, Reyna Aggressive Plays, Valorant One Taps, Valorant Solo Queue, Raze Gameplay, Omen Gameplay, Jett Gameplay, Reyna Gameplay, Sova Gameplay, Valorant Lineups, Valorant Movement, Valorant Aim, Raze Satchel Guide, Valorant Sniping Clips, Valorant Jett Montage, Valorant Raze Montage, Valorant Omen Montage, Valorant Reyna Montage, Seoldam Valorant Montage, Subi, Valorant VFX Montage, Valorant NA, Valorant Spawn Peeks, Global Elite, Shroud, Shroud Valorant, Valorant Highlights, Valorant Clips, Stream Highlights, CSGO, Best Valorant Settings, Best Valorant Sensitivity, Best Settings for PC Valorant, How to get better at Valorant, Valorant Aim Guide, Valorant Improve Aim, RED Aim Training, Sero Aim Training, Valorant Movement Guide, Secret Valorant Method, How to improve in Valorant, Best Training Methods in Valorant, Best Strategies in Valorant, Best Sensitivity Settings Valorant, Valorant Competitive, Best Warmup in Valorant, How to get Zero Ping in Valorant, Lower Ping in Valorant, Fastest way to improve at Valorant, Valorant Improve Aim, Valorant How to get better Aim, Valorant PRO Tips, Valorant Training Guide, Valorant Advanced Tips and Tricks, Valorant Improve Movement, Valorant News, Valorant Patch, Valorant Update, Double Raze Jump, Omen Smokes, Raze Nades, Reyna Ace, Reyna Ultimate, Valorant Nerfs, Valorant Buffs, Valorant OP, Valorant Cheats, Jett Ultimate, Valorant Wallhack, Valorant Aimbot, Valorant Human Aimbot, Valorant Cheat, Valorant Hacker, Valorant Hack, Valorant Smurf, Valorant Crosshair Placement, Valorant Best Crosshair, Best Valorant Moments, Epic Valorant Moments, Valorant Clutch Moments, Valorant Clutch Plays, How Radiant plays Ranked, Radiant Game Sense, Improve Game Sense in Valorant, Aimbot Crosshair in Valorant, Aimbot Settings in Valorant, New Valorant Crosshair Settings, noted aimbot, Valorant PRO Gameplay, Valorant Cheater Detected.

#Valorant #ValorantPRO #ValorantPROPlays #ValorantPROGameplay #ValorantBanned #ValorantAimbot #Aimbot #Radiant #Gameplay #Omen #Flexinja #Charla7an #HowRadiantThinks #HowRadiantPlays #ValorantMontage #Vandal #Phantom​​​​​​​​ #ValorantOmen #ValorantJett #ValorantHighlights​​​​​​​​​ #HowToNoodle #ValorantMoments #ValorantGuide #Cheat #Wallhack #noted #Jett #subi #xtr #westjett #seoldam


22 thoughts on “Valorant PRO Plays that got me banned for cheating…”

  1. How do you deal with peekers advantage in this game? It feels like it's MUCH 'higher' than in any other game I've ever played.
    It literally reminds me of early stage of beta PUBG with 12hz servers and also huge desync in additional.

    And there you are playing with 120+ ping so literally you should be in a huge disadvantage.
    Also, is the advice with 'Max Network Buffering' still viable? I remember people using it to slightly change the way their character moves so it's harder to hit.

  2. Not gonna lie, I’ve binged your videos and paused each time I seen a text bubble. It’s only been 2 weeks but I’ve pushed from silver to plat 3 just by following your tips and trying to implement your habits and game sense into my own play


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