Valorant Ranked System IS BROKEN – PROOF It's UNFAIR and I'm MAD AS HELL – Update Guide

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43 thoughts on “Valorant Ranked System IS BROKEN – PROOF It's UNFAIR and I'm MAD AS HELL – Update Guide”

  1. This rank system is bad, coz imagine if you are a new player to the game and even you get your ass kicked in Iron lobby, you are going to quit the game altogether rather than grinding hard and investing your time to get to Bronze, where currently past Platinum players reside

  2. So, I was Bronze 1 at the end of the episode. Didn't play too many games. Played my placements and ended up Iron 2 then fluctuated between Iron 2 and 3. Problem is I moved to Korea and the best ping I get is 130ms. Meanwhile, I started a new account on the KR server with help, went 4-1 and placed in Bronze 2. So I don't know why I and others got knocked back when I was able to achieve a higher rank with a new account.

  3. I was Silver 2 but got deranked to Bronze 2 and iam playing against Gold 2 but my teamated are so dogshit like i hat a plat 2 reyna she had 1 kill and 1 assist in öike 18 rounds

  4. Riot has the worst matchmaking in gaming history. I pop off and lose, or I play smurfs do decent and win… only bc I qd into a smurf lobby. It’s just so tilting how end season you can’t just hop on rank and play. They need to fix the minimum level to 50 that’s not high at all. Mfs in lower lobbies bc they can’t win anymore it’s sad . Peaked plat1 last season just to struggle in gold again. Idk it’s annoying being told to git gud when I can’t even play opponents who are my own rank. And then I pop off just to lose. Idk I’m at the point of uninstalling if not season I can’t peak in p3. No way there’s still so many dmds in high gold low plat next season.

  5. I was bronze and now I'm iron 2. That change are completely bullshit because you cannot had any idea which kind of enemy team found. The matchmaking, in this moment, cannot put any difference from the old system to the new one and you fought against strong player. This means you had to play a different level where you are not prepare and feel like to play with cheaters (and sometimes they are because too much good to be "only" bronze like, for example, onetap in jump… "game sense" my ass).

  6. I got placed bronze three. And I was bronze three last act. I’m not sure what that means but I was genuinely surprised I didn’t get put in silver when I got placed. Because I had some crazy good placement games. But I guess this makes a little bit more sense now.

  7. I was a bronze 3 and got into bronze 2 for placements. Then after climbing to silver I dropped hard back into low b3 because almost every single game I played had play from last season.

  8. I also thought the rank system was kinda broken. Last season I was silver 2 and when the reset I got silver 1 but I solo queued to diamond 2 within 2 week after the reset. Now I'm just like a noob silver player in diamond

  9. i hope this gets reviewed in one of my account i cant get past silver 1 ( my main account ) and in the other one im almost gold 3 (the account where i play if i get afk ban for ner issues )
    the silver feels weird af every gun has a plat or diamond buddy and my team mates tries to surren after loosing 3 rounds
    i really cant understand whats going on my gold id is super fun to play in but the silver oh noo never again

  10. Ive been silver 1 last act, got reset to around bronze 1, and went up to silver 2 by now. I have no problems with the reset, it just is what it is, and makes getting to a higher ranks more of an achievement, cause have to fight yourself through more players, which is just fine for me. If you dropped a rank, then get gud, and get back up there, if you belong

  11. I was iron last season, now I'm still iron. I know there was a massive improvement in my gameplay, but I guess it's just my role as a one trick controller that sort of anchors down my grind

  12. Love your videos… But after the rank reset and about 50 games my friends and I have quit Valorant. We're silver/gold players and it's simply unplayable. One game you destroy people who definitely don't belong, the next we're playing against previous gold/plats. Thanks to the squish you're also almost guaranteed to see at least one mega Smurf per game (35K/14D)

  13. I was Iron2 last season, but now I have deranked to Iron1 because I play against Silver and even Gold players that have just been put down a rank or two. That's the answer for all people out there that always ask how you can be Iron and still get your butt clapped.

  14. Whatever Riot is using to matchmake both in Ranked or Unrated is shit and does not work. Was Bronze last episode and climbed to silver this act. Idrc what my 'skill level' is, but you know the whole system is broken when:

    Ranked: Plat Ranks or higher got dropped from their rank (sometimes fair, some not) down to high bronze/low silver elo and now are forced to either be smurf carries or because their egos are so inflated they throw/make the elo even more toxic than it was before. God help anyone who acc gives a shit about Ranked.

    Unrated: I'm convinced the invisible elo Riot uses is either disabled or non-existent because it doesn't matter if the match is unranked; I as a low-mid skilled player don't wanna spend 40 minutes of a match against diamond+ sweatlords who shit on me + half of the lobby with ease. I'm not blaming the upper ranks; half the time they're not even smurfing using alt accounts; the matchmaking just puts them in the match. Either fix the mm or let me leave the match with no punishment. Seeing the immortal buddy far too much now.

  15. I was D3 last season and am D1 now after the reset. I wouldn't say it was too bad. I'm playing with better players which is a double edged sword. However, overall I like the ranked experience this season more. There isnt a bunch of inflated players like last act. I'm steady climbing back to where I was and 8 definitely feel like I'm improving despite me being 2 sub-ranks lower.


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