Vengeance Demon Hunters Pump! | Tank Theory Crafting | Shadowlands Beta

WARNING: Big dam straight ahead.

Hey guys! Demon hunters (tanks specifically, obviously) have been extremely dominant on Beta and without seeing nerfs for a few weeks, I decided to talk about what is making them so strong that some groups just decide to swap out a DPS for a second Vengeance DH. Let me know what you guys think!



20 thoughts on “Vengeance Demon Hunters Pump! | Tank Theory Crafting | Shadowlands Beta”

  1. It's obvious that this build won't last. Frist of all the damage is way too high and secondly it incentivises you to not use some of your sigils in order to get cdr on the Elysian decree.
    I dont know how can you say that this build is cool. This is just blizzard's stupid game design.

  2. Yeah, you wouldnt even be casting sigil of flame, you'd have gotten off 2 more EDs in the same time and you absolutely would take the ED conduit. Thats not even an opinion, that's just math.

  3. In this build you DO NOT use sIgil of flames and you try to minimize the use of your other sigils as much as possible unless really needed except for Eliysian Decree. The major point of the legendary interacting with the covenant ability is the key point that legendary reduces the cooldpwn of a sIgil ALREADY on cooldowm so you want to make sure that Elysian decree is the only sigil that is on cool down so that it is the sigil that is always benefiting from the cool down reduction from the legendary. Having Eliysian decree being the sole beneficiary from the cool down reduction makes it so that it is almost constantly available and is what drives the damage of the build to broken levels. Expect nerf incoming of that slightly degenerate play style.

  4. Soul cleave does not consume soul fragments, thus spirit bomb is still a go to for uncapped damage along side elysian decree.

    Do not use ANY other sigil with that legendary, as it will hamper the CDR of your elysian decree.

    If you plan on doing this build in a raid you will still need Feed the Demon for progression for active mitigation due to the fact that M+ will not surpass raid gear. However, I would not recommend this (top half) build if pushing high keys.

    You will still want abyssal strike (in low keys) for DPS if you are going for spirit bomb for increased DPS.

  5. If they nerf this, I def gonna delete my DH, there is 0 point of playing it, havoc is trash, this is the only thing that keeps my hope so I can at least play veng DH.

  6. The biggest issue here is that this build requires kyrian covenant and the legendary power, yes it pumps, but imo kyrian is lamest covenant and you are basically pingeonholed into choosing it to "pump" dmg. Blizzards largest mistake before the expansion even releases is forcing people to take covenants based on the abilities vs ascetics and story it really takes away from player choice and development. If blizzard wants us to play this way, then they should just remove the choice of covenants entirely.


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