VEX Montage – Witness Real Power New Champion VEX (League of Legends)

| LoL Epic Moments # | (League of Legends)
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34 thoughts on “VEX Montage – Witness Real Power New Champion VEX (League of Legends)”

  1. can we stop putting bunnyfufu on montages like? is the most printed out gameplay i've seen in the whole league communitty, always looking so fake or scripted to make him look good.

  2. i really hope they dont hotfix her this week or next week. Let people learn how to play her and how to play against her. I can see her q and her ulti becoming very dodgeable once you learn it

  3. idk these plays are shit, im sorry but almost all of them enemies are insanely behind and vex being ahead, and that inki dude is trash aswell, he called the champ broken when jhin had the reaction timer of a potato his combo took almost 6 secound, and called its limit testing when hes over 1-2k gold lead in with them being behind because his team is winning XD

  4. For the people that think she is broken, these are Challenger player on PBE against gold players they are all 2-3 item ahead of the enemy team. imagine R2 go in and you can't one shot the enemy and get blown up. This is a horribly designed champion, why does a poke mage need a R that makes her go in? Her Q is super ez o dodge long range and so is her E, her W is her only good abilities. Her laning sucks dic, if you ever use your passive on the wave you have a 15 sec window to get all in or ganked with 0 escape. Shit champion, complete feast or famine play style. Go next.


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